

我在显示带有正确值的下拉列表时遇到麻烦。我使用的<spring-form:select><spring- form:options>并且<spring- form:option>标签,我只是不能得到它,以显示正确的选项。使用以下代码,我应该只列出“选项2”,“选项7”和“选项8”。



<spring-form:select path="selectOptions">
    <spring-form:option value="" label="*** Select Option ***" />
    <spring-form:options path="${availableOptions}" />


public enum SelectOptions {

    // CHECKSTYLE_OFF: LineLength

     * Option 1.
    OPTION_1(1, "Option 1"),
     * Option 2.
    OPTION_2(2, "Option 2"),
     * Option 3.
    OPTION_3(3, "Option 3"),
     * Option 4.
    OPTION_4(4, "Option 4"),
     * Option 5.
    OPTION_5(5, "Option 5"),
     * Option 6.
    OPTION_6(6, "Option 6"),
     * Option 7.
    OPTION_7(7, "Option 7"),
     * Option 8.
    OPTION_8(8, "Option 8"),
     * Option 9.
    OPTION_9(9, "Option 9"),
     * Option 10.
    OPTION_10(10, "Option 10");

    private int id;
    private String description;

     * Constructor.
     * @param id the id
     * @param description the description
    private SelectOptions(final int id, final String description) {
        this.id = id;
        this.description = description;

     * Retrieves the {@link SelectOptions} associated with the passed in id.
     * @param id the id associated with the SelectOptions
     * @return the SelectOptions
    public static SelectOptions getInstance(final int id) {

        for (final SelectOptions selectOptions : SelectOptions.values()) {
            if (selectOptions.id == id) {
                return selectOptions;

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("SelectOptions could not be determined with id [" + id + "]");

     * Retrieves the {@link SelectOptions} associated with the passed in description.
     * @param description the description associated with the SelectOptions
     * @return the SelectOptions
    public static SelectOptions getInstance(final String description) {

        for (final SelectOptions selectOptions : SelectOptions.values()) {
            if (selectOptions.description == description) {
                return selectOptions;

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("SelectOptions could not be determined with description [" + description + "]");

     * Simple Getter.
     * @return the id
    public int getId() {
        return this.id;

     * Simple Setter.
     * @param id the id to set
    public void setId(final int id) {
        this.id = id;

     * Simple Getter.
     * @return the description
    public String getDescription() {
        return this.description;

     * Simple Setter.
     * @param description the description to set
    public void setDescription(final String description) {
        this.description = description;


public class SpringController implements SpringControllerInterface {

     * /WEB-INF/jsp/myJSP.jsp.
    private static final String PAGE = "/WEB-INF/jsp/myJSP.jsp";

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public ModelAndView load(final Model model) {

        final ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(PAGE);

        final List<SelectOptions> availableOptions = this.getAvailableOptions();

        mav.addObject("availableOptions", availableOptions);

        return mav;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public ModelAndView save(final Model model) {

        final ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(PAGE);

        // TODO

        return mav;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Model getModel() {
        return new ModelImpl();

     * @return a list of available options
    public List<SelectOptions> getAvailableOptions() {

        final List<SelectOptions> availableOptions = Lists.newArrayList();


        return availableOptions;


public class ModelImpl implements Model {

    private SelectOptions selectOptions;

     * Simple Getter.
     * @return the selectOptions
    public SelectOptions getSelectOptions() {
        return this.selectOptions;

     * Simple Setter.
     * @param selectOptions the selectOptions to set
    public void setSelectOptions(final SelectOptions selectOptions) {
        this.selectOptions = selectOptions;



看来此问题的解决方案是我在<spring-form:options>标签中使用了属性“ path” 。应该是“项目”,而不是“路径”。


<spring-form:select path="selectOptions">
    <spring-form:option value="" label="*** Select Option ***" />
    <spring-form:options items="${availableOptions}" />