

我们有5-10GB的ZIP文件。典型的ZIP文件包含5-10个内部文件,每个1-5 GB的未压缩大小。



所以我的问题是,如何通过标准的Python ZipFile


ZipFile API打开文件并且它是ZipFile,则可以读取各个部分。但是,您无法编写,因为S3不支持部分写入。


from urllib.parse import urlparse
from subprocess import run,Popen,PIPE
import copy
import json
import os
import tempfile

# Tools for reading and write files from Amazon S3 without boto or boto3
# http://boto.cloudhackers.com/en/latest/s3_tut.html
# but it is easier to use the aws cli, since it's configured to work.

def s3open(path, mode="r", encoding=None):
    Open an s3 file for reading or writing. Can handle any size, but cannot seek.
    We could use boto.
    but it is easier to use the aws cli, since it is present and more likely to work.
    from subprocess import run,PIPE,Popen
    if "b" in mode:
        assert encoding == None
        if encoding==None:
    assert 'a' not in mode
    assert '+' not in mode

    if "r" in mode:
        p = Popen(['aws','s3','cp',path,'-'],stdout=PIPE,encoding=encoding)
        return p.stdout

    elif "w" in mode:
        p = Popen(['aws','s3','cp','-',path],stdin=PIPE,encoding=encoding)
        return p.stdin
        raise RuntimeError("invalid mode:{}".format(mode))

CACHE_SIZE=4096                 # big enough for front and back caches
class S3File:
    """Open an S3 file that can be seeked. This is done by caching to the local file system."""
    def __init__(self,name,mode='rb'):
        self.name   = name
        self.url    = urlparse(name)
        if self.url.scheme != 's3':
            raise RuntimeError("url scheme is {}; expecting s3".format(self.url.scheme))
        self.bucket = self.url.netloc
        self.key    = self.url.path[1:]
        self.fpos   = 0
        self.tf     = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
        cmd = ['aws','s3api','list-objects','--bucket',self.bucket,'--prefix',self.key,'--output','json']
        data = json.loads(Popen(cmd,encoding='utf8',stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0])
        file_info = data['Contents'][0]
        self.length = file_info['Size']
        self.ETag   = file_info['ETag']

        # Load the caches

        self.frontcache = self._readrange(0,CACHE_SIZE) # read the first 1024 bytes and get length of the file
        if self.length > CACHE_SIZE:
            self.backcache_start = self.length-CACHE_SIZE
            if debug: print("backcache starts at {}".format(self.backcache_start))
            self.backcache  = self._readrange(self.backcache_start,CACHE_SIZE)
            self.backcache  = None

    def _readrange(self,start,length):
        # This is gross; we copy everything to the named temporary file, rather than a pipe
        # because the pipes weren't showing up in /dev/fd/?
        # We probably want to cache also... That's coming
        cmd = ['aws','s3api','get-object','--bucket',self.bucket,'--key',self.key,'--output','json',
        if debug:print(cmd)
        data = json.loads(Popen(cmd,encoding='utf8',stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0])
        if debug:print(data)
        self.tf.seek(0)         # go to the beginning of the data just read
        return self.tf.read(length) # and read that much

    def __repr__(self):
        return "FakeFile<name:{} url:{}>".format(self.name,self.url)

    def read(self,length=-1):
        # If length==-1, figure out the max we can read to the end of the file
        if length==-1:
            length = min(MAX_READ, self.length - self.fpos + 1)

        if debug:
            print("read: fpos={}  length={}".format(self.fpos,length))
        # Can we satisfy from the front cache?
        if self.fpos < CACHE_SIZE and self.fpos+length < CACHE_SIZE:
            if debug:print("front cache")
            buf = self.frontcache[self.fpos:self.fpos+length]
            self.fpos += len(buf)
            if debug:print("return 1: buf=",buf)
            return buf

        # Can we satisfy from the back cache?
        if self.backcache and (self.length - CACHE_SIZE < self.fpos):
            if debug:print("back cache")
            buf = self.backcache[self.fpos - self.backcache_start:self.fpos - self.backcache_start + length]
            self.fpos += len(buf)
            if debug:print("return 2: buf=",buf)
            return buf

        buf = self._readrange(self.fpos, length)
        self.fpos += len(buf)
        if debug:print("return 3: buf=",buf)
        return buf

    def seek(self,offset,whence=0):
        if debug:print("seek({},{})".format(offset,whence))
        if whence==0:
            self.fpos = offset
        elif whence==1:
            self.fpos += offset
        elif whence==2:
            self.fpos = self.length + offset
            raise RuntimeError("whence={}".format(whence))
        if debug:print("   ={}  (self.length={})".format(self.fpos,self.length))

    def tell(self):
        return self.fpos

    def write(self):
        raise RuntimeError("Write not supported")

    def flush(self):
        raise RuntimeError("Flush not supported")

    def close(self):