teamname member firstname lastname orgname phone mobile
0 1 0 John Doe Anon 916-555-1234
1 1 1 Jane Doe Anon 916-555-4321 916-555-7890
2 2 0 Mickey Moose Moosers 916-555-0000 916-555-1111
3 2 1 Minny Moose Moosers 916-555-2222
"teams": [
"teamname": "1",
"members": [
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"orgname": "Anon",
"phone": "916-555-1234",
"mobile": "",
"firstname": "Jane",
"lastname": "Doe",
"orgname": "Anon",
"phone": "916-555-4321",
"mobile": "916-555-7890",
"teamname": "2",
"members": [
"firstname": "Mickey",
"lastname": "Moose",
"orgname": "Moosers",
"phone": "916-555-0000",
"mobile": "916-555-1111",
"firstname": "Minny",
"lastname": "Moose",
"orgname": "Moosers",
"phone": "916-555-2222",
"mobile": "",
data = pandas.read_excel(inputExcel, sheetname = 'SCAT Teams', encoding = 'utf8')
memberDictTuple = []
for index, row in data.iterrows():
dataRow = row
rowDict = dict(zip(columnList[2:], dataRow[2:]))
teamRowDict = {columnList[0]:int(dataRow[0])}
memberId = tuple(row[1:2])
memberId = memberId[0]
teamName = tuple(row[0:1])
teamName = teamName[0]
memberDict1 = {int(memberId):rowDict}
memberDict2 = {int(teamName):memberDict1}
memberDictTuple = tuple(memberDictTuple)
formattedJson = json.dumps(memberDictTuple, indent = 4, sort_keys = True)
print formattedJson
"1": {
"0": {
"email": "john.doe@wildlife.net",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"mobile": "none",
"orgname": "Anon",
"phone": "916-555-1234"
"1": {
"1": {
"email": "jane.doe@wildlife.net",
"firstname": "Jane",
"lastname": "Doe",
"mobile": "916-555-7890",
"orgname": "Anon",
"phone": "916-555-4321"
"2": {
"0": {
"email": "mickey.moose@wildlife.net",
"firstname": "Mickey",
"lastname": "Moose",
"mobile": "916-555-1111",
"orgname": "Moosers",
"phone": "916-555-0000"
"2": {
"1": {
"email": "minny.moose@wildlife.net",
"firstname": "Minny",
"lastname": "Moose",
"mobile": "none",
"orgname": "Moosers",
"phone": "916-555-2222"
import pandas
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
inputExcel = 'E:\\teams.xlsx'
exportJson = 'E:\\teams.json'
data = pandas.read_excel(inputExcel, sheetname = 'SCAT Teams', encoding = 'utf8')
# This creates a tuple of column headings for later use matching them with column data
cols = []
columnList = list(data[0:])
for col in columnList:
columnList = tuple(cols)
#This groups the dataframe by the 'teamname' and 'members' columns
grouped = data.groupby(['teamname', 'members']).first()
#This creates a reference to the index level of the groups
groupnames = data.groupby(["teamname", "members"]).grouper.levels
tm = (groupnames[0])
#Create a list to add team records to at the end of the first 'for' loop
teamsList = []
for teamN in tm:
teamN = int(teamN) #added this in to prevent TypeError: 1 is not JSON serializable
tempList = [] #Create an temporary list to add each record to
for index, row in grouped.iterrows():
dataRow = row
if index[0] == teamN: #Select the record in each row of the grouped dataframe if its index matches the team number
#In order to have the JSON records come out in the same order, I had to first create a list of tuples, then convert to and Ordered Dict
rowDict = ([(columnList[2], dataRow[0]), (columnList[3], dataRow[1]), (columnList[4], dataRow[2]), (columnList[5], dataRow[3]), (columnList[6], dataRow[4]), (columnList[7], dataRow[5])])
rowDict = OrderedDict(rowDict)
#Create another Ordered Dict to keep 'teamname' and the list of members from the temporary list sorted
t = ([('teamname', str(teamN)), ('members', tempList)])
t= OrderedDict(t)
#Append the Ordered Dict to the emepty list of teams created earlier
ListX = t
#Create a final dictionary with a single item: the list of teams
teams = {"teams":teamsList}
#Dump to JSON format
formattedJson = json.dumps(teams, indent = 1, sort_keys = False) #sort_keys MUST be set to False, or all dictionaries will be alphebetized
formattedJson = formattedJson.replace("NaN", '"NULL"') #"NaN" is the NULL format in pandas dataframes - must be replaced with "NULL" to be a valid JSON file
print formattedJson
#Export to JSON file
parsed = open(exportJson, "w")
print"\n\nExport to JSON Complete"