Java Character isValidCodePoint()方法

java.lang.Character.isValidCodePoint(int codePoint) 确定指定的代码点是否是一个有效的Unicode代码点值。

1 语法

public static boolean isValidCodePoint(int codePoint)

2 参数


3 返回值


4 示例 

package com.yiidian;

 * 一点教程网:
 * Java Character isValidCodePoint()方法
import java.lang.*;

public class CharacterDemo {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

      // create 2 int primitives cp1, cp2
      int cp1, cp2;

      // assign values to cp1, cp2
      cp1 = 0x0123;
      cp2 = 0x123fff;

      // create 2 boolean primitives b1, b2
      boolean b1, b2;

       *  check if cp1, cp2 are valid Unicode code points 
       *  and assign results to b1, b2
      b1 = Character.isValidCodePoint(cp1);
      b2 = Character.isValidCodePoint(cp2);

      String str1 = "cp1 is a valid Unicode code point is " + b1;
      String str2 = "cp2 is a valid Unicode code point is " + b2;

      // print b1, b2 values
      System.out.println( str1 );
      System.out.println( str2 );


cp1 is a valid Unicode code point is true
cp2 is a valid Unicode code point is false


