所以我们在这个系统中工作,建立我们自己的页面。 我们构建了一个表单来使用。xwd文件插入时间线数据。 我们使用javascript来检索数据,并将其填充到一个变量中存储。 主页(title:
$(x_currentPageXML).children().each(function(index, elem){
现在,我要使用上面显示的foreach填充“events”数组。 将.each
var SictTimeline = new function() {
this.loadJS = function () {
$.getScript(x_templateLocation + 'common_html5/js/timeline.js')
.done(function (script, textStatus) {
var make_the_json = $(x_currentPageXML).children().map(function (element) {
return {
title: {
media: {
url: element.getAttribute("url"),
caption: element.getAttribute("tip"),
text: {
headline: element.getAttribute("name"),
text: '<p>' + element.getAttribute("text") + '</p>'
events: {
media: {
url: element.getAttribute("url"),
caption: element.getAttribute("tip"),
start_date: {
month: '8',
day: '9',
year: '1963'
text: {
headline: element.getAttribute("name"),
text: element.getAttribute("text")
var timeline_json = make_the_json; // replace make_the_json() with the JSON object you created
// two arguments: the id of the Timeline container (no '#')
// and the JSON object or an instance of TL.TimelineConfig created from
// a suitable JSON object
window.timeline = new TL.Timeline('timeline-embed', timeline_json);
.fail(function (jqxhr, settings, exception) {
console.log('Failed to load the script for the timeline');
// function called every time the page is viewed after it has initially loaded
this.pageChanged = function() {
// function called every time the size of the LO is changed
this.sizeChanged = function() {
this.init = function() {
// call this function in every model once everything's loaded
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<learningObject editorVersion="3" targetFolder="Nottingham" name="Learning Object Title" language="en-GB" navigation="Linear" textSize="12" theme="default" displayMode="fill window" responsive="true">
<SictTimeline linkID="PG1592486441661" name="My page" media="SictTimeline" text="<p>Text for my page</p> " url="FileLocation + 'media/https___images.genius.com_53c4575fa3f97a8d4b18d69a600afaf0.900x900x1.jpg'" tip="Description for Image 1"></SictTimeline></learningObject>
我不确定我完全理解这个问题,但是你想从循环中的每个元素中提取东西,对吗? 将X_CurrentPageXML
var result = []
$(x_currentPageXML).children().each(function (index, elem) {
var make_the_json = {
title: {
media: {
url: elem.getAttribute("url"),
caption: elem.getAttribute("tip"),
text: {
headline: elem.getAttribute("name"),
text: '<p>' + elem.getAttribute("text") + '</p>'
events: [
media: {
url: elem.getAttribute("url"),
caption: elem.getAttribute("tip"),
start_date: {
month: '8',
day: '9',
year: '1963'
text: {
headline: elem.getAttribute("name"),
text: elem.getAttribute("text")
内部元素的数量(和属性)生成一个对象数组。 为此,需要使用.map()
events: $(x_currentPageXML).children().map(function (index, element) {
return {
media: {
url: element.getAttribute("url"),
caption: element.getAttribute("tip"),
start_date: {
month: '8',
day: '9',
year: '1963'
text: {
headline: element.getAttribute("name"),
text: element.getAttribute("text")