我正在开发一个电子商务网站。 我添加了一个搜索,每当我执行搜索时,它都会返回空结果。
在我的产品表中,我有6个产品包含单词“参议员”。 每当我在搜索表单中输入senator时,它都会返回空结果。
我也尝试搜索“se”,它返回了6个项目。 我不知道我哪里做错了。
$q = $_REQUEST[ "q" ];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE name LIKE '%{$q}%' ORDER BY id DESC";
if( $DB->numRows( $sql ) > 0 ) {
var_dump( $DB->select( $sql ) );
} else {
echo "No results found";
class DB {
private $conn;
private const HOSTNAME = "localhost";
private const USERNAME = "root";
private const PASSWORD = "";
private const DATABASE = "store";
public function __construct() {
$this->conn = $this->connect();
//Connect to database
public function connect() {
$conn = new mysqli( self::HOSTNAME, self::USERNAME, self::PASSWORD, self::DATABASE );
//Check connection
if( mysqli_connect_error() ) {
$conn_err = "Error: [ <b>" . mysqli_connect_errno() . " </b> ]<br>Unable to connect to DataBase.<br><br>";
$conn_err .= "Error details: <br><b>" . mysqli_connect_error() . "</b><br>";
die( $conn_err );
//Set database Charset
$conn->set_charset( "utf8mb4" );
return $conn;
//Select From Database
public function select( $query, $paramType = "", $paramArray = array() ) {
if( $stmt = $this->conn->prepare( $query ) ) {
if( !empty( $paramType ) && !empty( $paramArray ) ) {
$this->bindQueryParams( $stmt, $paramType, $paramArray );
if( $result = $stmt->get_result() ) {
if( $result->num_rows > 0 ) {
while( $row = $result->fetch_assoc() ) {
$resultset[] = $row;
if( !empty( $resultset ) ) {
return $resultset;
//Query Database
public function query( $query, $paramType = "", $paramArray = array() ) {
if( $stmt = $this->conn->prepare( $query ) ) {
if( !empty( $paramType ) && !empty( $paramArray ) ) {
$this->bindQueryParams( $stmt, $paramType, $paramArray );
if( !empty( $stmt->insert_id ) ) {
return TRUE;
} else {
return FALSE;
//Bind Query Params
public function bindQueryParams( $stmt, $paramType, $paramArray = array() ) {
$paramValueReference[] = & $paramType;
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $paramArray ); $i++ ) {
$paramValueReference[] = & $paramArray[ $i ];
call_user_func_array( array( $stmt, "bind_param" ), $paramValueReference );
//Get Number of Rows
public function numRows( $query, $paramType = "", $paramArray = array() ) {
if( $stmt = $this->conn->prepare( $query ) ) {
if( !empty( $paramType ) && !empty( $paramArray ) ) {
$this->bindQueryParams( $stmt, $paramType, $paramArray );
$rows = $stmt->num_rows;
return $rows;
$q = $_REQUEST["q"];
if (!empty($q)) {
$db = `database component initialisation...`;
$term = "%{$q}%";
$sql = "select * from products where name like ? order by id desc";
* Passing query string in addition with param type 's' => string (2nd argument)
* and the actual query param for which
* the statement should compare against in like clause (3rd argument).
if ($db->numRows($sql, 's', [$term]) > 0) {
// processing...
} else {
echo "No results found";