

我正在尝试简化我编写的一个查询,该查询将选择一个特定的序列号,例如1,然后选择所有大于且等于输出序列号加'n'的行。 例如,选择序号1和序号5之间的所有行。 数据集有20k行,所以我一开始不知道序列号。

select sequence,line_id,direction,stop_id,stop_name 
from bus_data.bus_locations as stoplist
where line_id ="39a" 
  and direction= "Outbound" 
  and sequence >=
                (SELECT sequence 
                FROM bus_data.bus_locations as depart
                where line_id = "39a"
                and stop_id= 786
  and sequence <= 
               (SELECT sequence + 5 
                FROM bus_data.bus_locations as arrive
                where line_id = "39a"
                and stop_id= 786
order by sequence;


Sequence  line_id  direction  stop_id  stop_name
19        39a      Outbound   786      Embassy of Malta
20        39a      Outbound   793      Dawson Street
21        39a      Outbound   1808     Morgan Place
22        39a      Outbound   7389     Navan Road
23        39a      Outbound   7586     National Gallery
24        39a      Outbound   7587     Science Gallery

我目前有一个可以工作的查询,但感觉它效率不高,因为它由来自同一个表的三个选择组成。 下表显示了上述查询的输出。 任何不需要从整张表中选择的建议都是非常有益的。




select bl.*
from (select sequence, line_id, direction, stop_id, stop_name,
             max(case when stop_id = 786 then sequence end) over (partition by line_id) as the_sequence
      from bus_data.bus_locations bl
      where line_id = '39a' 
     ) bl
where sequence >= the_sequence and
      sequence <= the_sequence + 5;