public void getGlyphs (GlyphRun run, CharSequence str, int start, int end, Glyph lastGlyph) {
if (packer != null) packer.setPackToTexture(true); // All glyphs added after this are packed directly to the texture.
super.getGlyphs(run, str, start, end, lastGlyph);
if (dirty) {
dirty = false;
packer.updateTextureRegions(regions, parameter.minFilter, parameter.magFilter, parameter.genMipMaps);
/** Adds cached glyphs to the active BitmapFontCache as the char index progresses. */
private void addMissingGlyphs() {
// Add additional glyphs to layout array, if any
int glyphLeft = glyphCharIndex - cachedGlyphCharIndex;
if(glyphLeft < 1) return;
// Get runs
GlyphLayout layout = super.getGlyphLayout();
Array<GlyphRun> runs = layout.runs;
// Iterate through GlyphRuns to find the next glyph spot
int glyphCount = 0;
for(int runIndex = 0; runIndex < glyphRunCapacities.size; runIndex++) {
int runCapacity = glyphRunCapacities.get(runIndex);
if((glyphCount + runCapacity) < cachedGlyphCharIndex) {
glyphCount += runCapacity;
// Get run and increase glyphCount up to its current size
Array<Glyph> glyphs = runs.get(runIndex).glyphs;
glyphCount += glyphs.size;
// Next glyphs go here
while(glyphLeft > 0) {
// Skip run if this one is full
int runSize = glyphs.size;
if(runCapacity == runSize) {
// Put new glyph to this run
TypingGlyph glyph = glyphCache.get(cachedGlyphCharIndex);
// Cache glyph's vertex index
glyph.internalIndex = glyphCount;
// Advance glyph count