* We check if the option is set here rather than in each command
* to have a single place to catch all exceptions.
* Given that we first catch ParseArgumentsUnexpectedException we
* do expect that parsing the same input again will not throw an exception.
private static boolean stacktraceIsSet(final GlobalMetadata globalMetadata, final String[] args) {
try {
Parser p = new Parser();
ListMultimap<OptionMetadata, Object> options = p.parse(globalMetadata, args).getParsedOptions();
for (Map.Entry<OptionMetadata, Collection<Object>> option : options.asMap().entrySet()) {
OptionMetadata metadata = option.getKey();
if (metadata.getOptionType() == OptionType.GLOBAL
&& metadata.getOptions().contains("--stacktrace")) {
return option.getValue().contains(true);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Failed to determine if the stacktrace should be shown. Please report this bug.");
return false;