public static void main(String[] args) throws LoginException
if (args.length == 0)
System.err.println("Unable to start without token!");
String token = args[0];
// We only need 2 gateway intents enabled for this example:
EnumSet<GatewayIntent> intents = EnumSet.of(
// We need messages in guilds to accept commands from users
// We need voice states to connect to the voice channel
// Start the JDA session with light mode (minimal cache)
JDABuilder.createLight(token, intents) // Use provided token from command line arguments
.addEventListeners(new AudioEchoExample()) // Start listening with this listener
.setActivity(Activity.listening("to jams")) // Inform users that we are jammin' it out
.setStatus(OnlineStatus.DO_NOT_DISTURB) // Please don't disturb us while we're jammin'
.enableCache(CacheFlag.VOICE_STATE) // Enable the VOICE_STATE cache to find a user's connected voice channel
.build(); // Login with these options
private void createGuildEmotePass(GuildImpl guildObj, DataArray array)
if (!getJDA().isCacheFlagSet(CacheFlag.EMOTE))
SnowflakeCacheViewImpl<Emote> emoteView = guildObj.getEmotesView();
try (UnlockHook hook = emoteView.writeLock())
TLongObjectMap<Emote> emoteMap = emoteView.getMap();
for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++)
DataObject object = array.getObject(i);
if (object.isNull("id"))
LOG.error("Received GUILD_CREATE with an emoji with a null ID. JSON: {}", object);
final long emoteId = object.getLong("id");
emoteMap.put(emoteId, createEmote(guildObj, object, false));
public PermissionOverride createPermissionOverride(DataObject override, AbstractChannelImpl<?, ?> chan)
String type = override.getString("type");
final long id = override.getLong("id");
boolean role = type.equals("role");
if (role && chan.getGuild().getRoleById(id) == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException("Attempted to create a PermissionOverride for a non-existent role! JSON: " + override);
if (!role && !type.equals("member"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided with an unknown PermissionOverride type! JSON: " + override);
if (!role && id != api.getSelfUser().getIdLong() && !api.isCacheFlagSet(CacheFlag.MEMBER_OVERRIDES))
return null;
long allow = override.getLong("allow");
long deny = override.getLong("deny");
PermissionOverrideImpl permOverride = (PermissionOverrideImpl) chan.getOverrideMap().get(id);
if (permOverride == null)
permOverride = new PermissionOverrideImpl(chan, id, role);
chan.getOverrideMap().put(id, permOverride);
return permOverride.setAllow(allow).setDeny(deny);
private DefaultShardManagerBuilder applyDefault()
return this.setMemberCachePolicy(MemberCachePolicy.DEFAULT)
.disableCache(CacheFlag.CLIENT_STATUS, CacheFlag.ACTIVITY)
private DefaultShardManagerBuilder applyLight()
return this.setMemberCachePolicy(MemberCachePolicy.NONE)
private DefaultShardManagerBuilder applyIntents()
EnumSet<CacheFlag> disabledCache = EnumSet.allOf(CacheFlag.class);
for (CacheFlag flag : CacheFlag.values())
GatewayIntent requiredIntent = flag.getRequiredIntent();
if (requiredIntent == null || (requiredIntent.getRawValue() & intents) != 0)
boolean enableMembers = (intents & GatewayIntent.GUILD_MEMBERS.getRawValue()) != 0;
return setChunkingFilter(enableMembers ? ChunkingFilter.ALL : ChunkingFilter.NONE)
.setMemberCachePolicy(enableMembers ? MemberCachePolicy.ALL : MemberCachePolicy.DEFAULT)
private void checkIntents()
boolean membersIntent = (intents & GatewayIntent.GUILD_MEMBERS.getRawValue()) != 0;
if (!membersIntent && memberCachePolicy == MemberCachePolicy.ALL)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use MemberCachePolicy.ALL without GatewayIntent.GUILD_MEMBERS enabled!");
else if (!membersIntent && chunkingFilter != ChunkingFilter.NONE)
DefaultShardManager.LOG.warn("Member chunking is disabled due to missing GUILD_MEMBERS intent.");
if (!automaticallyDisabled.isEmpty())
JDAImpl.LOG.warn("Automatically disabled CacheFlags due to missing intents");
// List each missing intent
.map(it -> "Disabled CacheFlag." + it + " (missing GatewayIntent." + it.getRequiredIntent() + ")")
// Tell user how to disable this warning
JDAImpl.LOG.warn("You can manually disable these flags to remove this warning by using disableCache({}) on your DefaultShardManagerBuilder",
.map(it -> "CacheFlag." + it)
.collect(Collectors.joining(", ")));
// Only print this warning once
if (cacheFlags.isEmpty())
EnumSet<GatewayIntent> providedIntents = GatewayIntent.getIntents(intents);
for (CacheFlag flag : cacheFlags)
GatewayIntent intent = flag.getRequiredIntent();
if (intent != null && !providedIntents.contains(intent))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use CacheFlag." + flag + " without GatewayIntent." + intent + "!");
private JDABuilder applyDefault()
return this.setMemberCachePolicy(MemberCachePolicy.DEFAULT)
.disableCache(CacheFlag.CLIENT_STATUS, CacheFlag.ACTIVITY)
private JDABuilder applyLight()
return this.setMemberCachePolicy(MemberCachePolicy.NONE)
private JDABuilder applyIntents()
EnumSet<CacheFlag> disabledCache = EnumSet.allOf(CacheFlag.class);
for (CacheFlag flag : CacheFlag.values())
GatewayIntent requiredIntent = flag.getRequiredIntent();
if (requiredIntent == null || (requiredIntent.getRawValue() & intents) != 0)
boolean enableMembers = (intents & GatewayIntent.GUILD_MEMBERS.getRawValue()) != 0;
return setChunkingFilter(enableMembers ? ChunkingFilter.ALL : ChunkingFilter.NONE)
.setMemberCachePolicy(enableMembers ? MemberCachePolicy.ALL : MemberCachePolicy.DEFAULT)
private void checkIntents()
boolean membersIntent = (intents & GatewayIntent.GUILD_MEMBERS.getRawValue()) != 0;
if (!membersIntent && memberCachePolicy == MemberCachePolicy.ALL)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use MemberCachePolicy.ALL without GatewayIntent.GUILD_MEMBERS enabled!");
else if (!membersIntent && chunkingFilter != ChunkingFilter.NONE)
JDAImpl.LOG.warn("Member chunking is disabled due to missing GUILD_MEMBERS intent.");
if (!automaticallyDisabled.isEmpty())
JDAImpl.LOG.warn("Automatically disabled CacheFlags due to missing intents");
// List each missing intent
.map(it -> "Disabled CacheFlag." + it + " (missing GatewayIntent." + it.getRequiredIntent() + ")")
// Tell user how to disable this warning
JDAImpl.LOG.warn("You can manually disable these flags to remove this warning by using disableCache({}) on your JDABuilder",
.map(it -> "CacheFlag." + it)
.collect(Collectors.joining(", ")));
// Only print this warning once
if (cacheFlags.isEmpty())
EnumSet<GatewayIntent> providedIntents = GatewayIntent.getIntents(intents);
for (CacheFlag flag : cacheFlags)
GatewayIntent intent = flag.getRequiredIntent();
if (intent != null && !providedIntents.contains(intent))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use CacheFlag." + flag + " without GatewayIntent." + intent + "!");
public MetaConfig(
int maxBufferSize,
@Nullable ConcurrentMap<String, String> mdcContextMap,
@Nullable EnumSet<CacheFlag> cacheFlags, EnumSet<ConfigFlag> flags)
this.maxBufferSize = maxBufferSize;
this.cacheFlags = cacheFlags == null ? EnumSet.allOf(CacheFlag.class) : cacheFlags;
this.enableMDC = flags.contains(ConfigFlag.MDC_CONTEXT);
if (enableMDC)
this.mdcContextMap = mdcContextMap == null ? new ConcurrentHashMap<>() : null;
this.mdcContextMap = null;
this.useShutdownHook = flags.contains(ConfigFlag.SHUTDOWN_HOOK);
public ShardingMetaConfig(
int maxBufferSize,
@Nullable IntFunction<? extends ConcurrentMap<String, String>> contextProvider,
@Nullable EnumSet<CacheFlag> cacheFlags, EnumSet<ConfigFlag> flags, Compression compression)
super(maxBufferSize, null, cacheFlags, flags);
this.compression = compression;
this.contextProvider = contextProvider;
public MemberImpl(GuildImpl guild, User user)
this.api = (JDAImpl) user.getJDA();
this.guild = new SnowflakeReference<>(guild, api::getGuildById);
this.user = user;
this.joinDate = 0;
boolean cacheState = api.isCacheFlagSet(CacheFlag.VOICE_STATE) || user.equals(api.getSelfUser());
boolean cacheOnline = api.isCacheFlagSet(CacheFlag.CLIENT_STATUS);
this.voiceState = cacheState ? new GuildVoiceStateImpl(this) : null;
this.clientStatus = cacheOnline ? Collections.synchronizedMap(new EnumMap<>(ClientType.class)) : null;
private SkyBot() throws Exception {
// Set our animated emotes as default reactions
// Load in our container
final Variables variables = new Variables();
final DunctebotConfig config = variables.getConfig();
final CommandManager commandManager = variables.getCommandManager();
final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SkyBot.class);
// Set the user-agent of the bot
WebUtils.setUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SkyBot/" + Settings.VERSION + "; +;)");
() -> new EmbedBuilder()
// .setFooter("DuncteBot", Settings.DEFAULT_ICON)
// .setTimestamp(
Settings.PREFIX = config.discord.prefix;
// Set some defaults for rest-actions
// If any rest-action doesn't get executed within 2 minutes we will mark it as failed
RestAction.setDefaultTimeout(2L, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
if (variables.useApi()) { + "Using api for all connections" + TextColor.RESET);
} else {
logger.warn("Using SQLite as the database");
logger.warn("Please note that is is not recommended for production");
//Load the settings before loading the bot
//Set the token to a string
final String token = config.discord.token;
//But this time we are going to shard it
final int totalShards = config.discord.totalShards;
this.activityProvider = (shardId) -> Activity.playing(
config.discord.prefix + "help | Shard " + (shardId + 1)
final LongLongPair commandCount = commandManager.getCommandCount();"{} commands with {} aliases loaded.", commandCount.getFirst(), commandCount.getSecond());
LavalinkManager.ins.start(config, variables.getAudioUtils());
final EventManager eventManager = new EventManager(variables);
// Build our shard manager
final DefaultShardManagerBuilder builder = DefaultShardManagerBuilder.create(
.setEventManagerProvider((id) -> eventManager)
// Keep guild owners, voice members and patrons in cache
// .setMemberCachePolicy(MemberCachePolicy.NONE)
// Enable lazy loading
// Enable lazy loading for guilds other than our own
// .setChunkingFilter((guildId) -> guildId == Settings.SUPPORT_GUILD_ID)
.enableCache(CacheFlag.VOICE_STATE, CacheFlag.EMOTE, CacheFlag.MEMBER_OVERRIDES)
.disableCache(CacheFlag.ACTIVITY, CacheFlag.CLIENT_STATUS)
new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.connectTimeout(30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.readTimeout(30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.writeTimeout(30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
// If lavalink is enabled we will hook it into jda
if (LavalinkManager.ins.isEnabled()) {
this.shardManager =;
// Load the web server if we are not running "locally"
// TODO: change this config value to "web_server" or something
if (!config.discord.local) {
webRouter = new WebRouter(shardManager, variables);
private DefaultShardManagerBuilder setDisabledCache(EnumSet<CacheFlag> flags)
return this;
private JDABuilder setDisabledCache(EnumSet<CacheFlag> flags)
return this;
protected Long handleInternally(DataObject content)
// Ignore events for relationships, presences are guild only to us
if (content.isNull("guild_id"))
log.debug("Received PRESENCE_UPDATE without guild_id. Ignoring event.");
return null;
//Do a pre-check to see if this is for a Guild, and if it is, if the guild is currently locked or not cached.
final long guildId = content.getLong("guild_id");
if (getJDA().getGuildSetupController().isLocked(guildId))
return guildId;
GuildImpl guild = (GuildImpl) getJDA().getGuildById(guildId);
if (guild == null)
getJDA().getEventCache().cache(EventCache.Type.GUILD, guildId, responseNumber, allContent, this::handle);
EventCache.LOG.debug("Received a PRESENCE_UPDATE for a guild that is not yet cached! GuildId:{} UserId: {}",
guildId, content.getObject("user").get("id"));
return null;
DataObject jsonUser = content.getObject("user");
final long userId = jsonUser.getLong("id");
UserImpl user = (UserImpl) getJDA().getUsersView().get(userId);
// The user is not yet known to us, maybe due to lazy loading. Try creating it.
if (user == null)
// If this presence update doesn't have a user or the status is offline we ignore it
if (jsonUser.isNull("username") || "offline".equals(content.get("status")))
return null;
// We should have somewhat enough information to create this member, so lets do it!
user = (UserImpl) createMember(content, guildId, guild, jsonUser).getUser();
if (jsonUser.hasKey("username"))
// username implies this is an update to a user - fire events and update properties
getJDA().getEntityBuilder().updateUser(user, jsonUser);
//Now that we've update the User's info, lets see if we need to set the specific Presence information.
// This is stored in the Member objects.
//We set the activities to null to prevent parsing if the cache was disabled
final DataArray activityArray = !getJDA().isCacheFlagSet(CacheFlag.ACTIVITY) || content.isNull("activities") ? null : content.getArray("activities");
List<Activity> newActivities = new ArrayList<>();
boolean parsedActivity = parseActivities(userId, activityArray, newActivities);
MemberImpl member = (MemberImpl) guild.getMember(user);
//Create member from presence if not offline
if (member == null)
if (jsonUser.isNull("username") || "offline".equals(content.get("status")))
log.trace("Ignoring incomplete PRESENCE_UPDATE for member with id {} in guild with id {}", userId, guildId);
return null;
member = createMember(content, guildId, guild, jsonUser);
if (getJDA().isCacheFlagSet(CacheFlag.CLIENT_STATUS) && !content.isNull("client_status"))
handleClientStatus(content, member);
// Check if activities changed
if (parsedActivity)
handleActivities(newActivities, member);
//The member is already cached, so modify the presence values and fire events as needed.
OnlineStatus status = OnlineStatus.fromKey(content.getString("status"));
if (!member.getOnlineStatus().equals(status))
OnlineStatus oldStatus = member.getOnlineStatus();
new UserUpdateOnlineStatusEvent(
getJDA(), responseNumber,
member, oldStatus));
return null;
public boolean isCacheFlagSet(CacheFlag flag)
return metaConfig.getCacheFlags().contains(flag);
public EnumSet<CacheFlag> getCacheFlags()
return cacheFlags;
public void createPresence(MemberImpl member, DataObject presenceJson)
if (member == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Provided member was null!");
boolean cacheGame = getJDA().isCacheFlagSet(CacheFlag.ACTIVITY);
boolean cacheStatus = getJDA().isCacheFlagSet(CacheFlag.CLIENT_STATUS);
DataArray activityArray = !cacheGame || presenceJson.isNull("activities") ? null : presenceJson.getArray("activities");
DataObject clientStatusJson = !cacheStatus || presenceJson.isNull("client_status") ? null : presenceJson.getObject("client_status");
OnlineStatus onlineStatus = OnlineStatus.fromKey(presenceJson.getString("status"));
List<Activity> activities = new ArrayList<>();
boolean parsedActivity = false;
if (cacheGame && activityArray != null)
for (int i = 0; i < activityArray.length(); i++)
parsedActivity = true;
catch (Exception ex)
String userId;
userId = member.getUser().getId();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.warn("Encountered exception trying to parse a presence! UserId: {} JSON: {}", userId, activityArray, ex);
LOG.warn("Encountered exception trying to parse a presence! UserId: {} Message: {} Enable debug for details", userId, ex.getMessage());
if (cacheGame && parsedActivity)
if (clientStatusJson != null)
for (String key : clientStatusJson.keys())
ClientType type = ClientType.fromKey(key);
OnlineStatus status = OnlineStatus.fromKey(clientStatusJson.getString(key));
member.setOnlineStatus(type, status);
* Flags used to enable parts of the JDA cache to reduce the runtime memory footprint.
* <br><b>It is highly recommended to use {@link #setDisabledCacheFlags(EnumSet)} instead
* for backwards compatibility</b>. We might add more flags in the future which you then effectively disable
* when updating and not changing your setting here.
* @param flags
* EnumSet containing the flags for cache services that should be <b>enabled</b>
* @return The DefaultShardManagerBuilder instance. Useful for chaining.
* @deprecated We add CacheFlags to the enum over time which will be disabled when using this method.
* This introduces breaking changes due to the way the setter works.
* You should use {@link #enableCache(Collection)} and {@link #disableCache(Collection)} instead,
* to disable and enable cache flags without side-effects that may break in future versions.
@ReplaceWith("enableCache(flags) and disableCache(flags)")
public DefaultShardManagerBuilder setEnabledCacheFlags(@Nullable EnumSet<CacheFlag> flags)
this.cacheFlags = flags == null ? EnumSet.noneOf(CacheFlag.class) : EnumSet.copyOf(flags);
return this;
* Enable specific cache flags.
* <br>This will not disable any currently set cache flags.
* @param flags
* The {@link CacheFlag CacheFlags} to enable
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If provided with null
* @return The DefaultShardManagerBuilder instance. Useful for chaining.
* @see #enableCache(CacheFlag, CacheFlag...)
* @see #disableCache(Collection)
public DefaultShardManagerBuilder enableCache(@Nonnull Collection<CacheFlag> flags)
Checks.noneNull(flags, "CacheFlags");
return this;
* Enable specific cache flags.
* <br>This will not disable any currently set cache flags.
* @param flag
* {@link CacheFlag} to enable
* @param flags
* Other flags to enable
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If provided with null
* @return The DefaultShardManagerBuilder instance. Useful for chaining.
* @see #enableCache(Collection)
* @see #disableCache(CacheFlag, CacheFlag...)
public DefaultShardManagerBuilder enableCache(@Nonnull CacheFlag flag, @Nonnull CacheFlag... flags)
Checks.notNull(flag, "CacheFlag");
Checks.noneNull(flags, "CacheFlag");
cacheFlags.addAll(EnumSet.of(flag, flags));
return this;
* Flags used to disable parts of the JDA cache to reduce the runtime memory footprint.
* <br>Shortcut for {@code setEnabledCacheFlags(EnumSet.complementOf(flags))}
* @param flags
* EnumSet containing the flags for cache services that should be <b>disabled</b>
* @return The DefaultShardManagerBuilder instance. Useful for chaining.
* @deprecated We add CacheFlags to the enum over time which will be disabled when using this method.
* This introduces breaking changes due to the way the setter works.
* You should use {@link #enableCache(Collection)} and {@link #disableCache(Collection)} instead,
* to disable and enable cache flags without side-effects that may break in future versions.
@ReplaceWith("enableCache(flags) and disableCache(flags)")
public DefaultShardManagerBuilder setDisabledCacheFlags(@Nullable EnumSet<CacheFlag> flags)
return setEnabledCacheFlags(flags == null ? EnumSet.allOf(CacheFlag.class) : EnumSet.complementOf(flags));
* Disable specific cache flags.
* <br>This will not enable any currently unset cache flags.
* @param flags
* The {@link CacheFlag CacheFlags} to disable
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If provided with null
* @return The DefaultShardManagerBuilder instance. Useful for chaining.
* @see #disableCache(CacheFlag, CacheFlag...)
* @see #enableCache(Collection)
public DefaultShardManagerBuilder disableCache(@Nonnull Collection<CacheFlag> flags)
Checks.noneNull(flags, "CacheFlags");
return this;
* Disable specific cache flags.
* <br>This will not enable any currently unset cache flags.
* @param flag
* {@link CacheFlag} to disable
* @param flags
* Other flags to disable
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If provided with null
* @return The DefaultShardManagerBuilder instance. Useful for chaining.
* @see #disableCache(Collection)
* @see #enableCache(CacheFlag, CacheFlag...)
public DefaultShardManagerBuilder disableCache(@Nonnull CacheFlag flag, @Nonnull CacheFlag... flags)
Checks.notNull(flag, "CacheFlag");
Checks.noneNull(flags, "CacheFlag");
return disableCache(EnumSet.of(flag, flags));
* Flags used to enable selective parts of the JDA cache to reduce the runtime memory footprint.
* <br><b>It is highly recommended to use {@link #setDisabledCacheFlags(EnumSet)} instead
* for backwards compatibility</b>. We might add more flags in the future which you then effectively disable
* when updating and not changing your setting here.
* @param flags
* EnumSet containing the flags for cache services that should be <b>enabled</b>
* @return The JDABuilder instance. Useful for chaining.
* @see #setDisabledCacheFlags(EnumSet)
* @deprecated We add CacheFlags to the enum over time which will be disabled when using this method.
* This introduces breaking changes due to the way the setter works.
* You should use {@link #enableCache(Collection)} and {@link #disableCache(Collection)} instead,
* to disable and enable cache flags without side-effects that may break in future versions.
@ReplaceWith("enableCache(flags) and disableCache(flags)")
public JDABuilder setEnabledCacheFlags(@Nullable EnumSet<CacheFlag> flags)
this.cacheFlags = flags == null ? EnumSet.noneOf(CacheFlag.class) : EnumSet.copyOf(flags);
return this;
* Enable specific cache flags.
* <br>This will not disable any currently set cache flags.
* @param flags
* The {@link CacheFlag CacheFlags} to enable
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If provided with null
* @return The JDABuilder instance. Useful for chaining.
* @see #enableCache(CacheFlag, CacheFlag...)
* @see #disableCache(Collection)
public JDABuilder enableCache(@Nonnull Collection<CacheFlag> flags)
Checks.noneNull(flags, "CacheFlags");
return this;
* Enable specific cache flags.
* <br>This will not disable any currently set cache flags.
* @param flag
* {@link CacheFlag} to enable
* @param flags
* Other flags to enable
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If provided with null
* @return The JDABuilder instance. Useful for chaining.
* @see #enableCache(Collection)
* @see #disableCache(CacheFlag, CacheFlag...)
public JDABuilder enableCache(@Nonnull CacheFlag flag, @Nonnull CacheFlag... flags)
Checks.notNull(flag, "CacheFlag");
Checks.noneNull(flags, "CacheFlag");
cacheFlags.addAll(EnumSet.of(flag, flags));
return this;