
private HTMLRenderOption prepareFrontEndHtmlRenderOption() {
	String tmpDir = System.getProperty("");
	String imageDirectory = tmpDir.endsWith(File.separator) ? tmpDir + "birt" : tmpDir + File.separator + "birt";
	String imageBaseUrl = "BirtImageServlet?imageID=";

	// Register new image handler
	HTMLRenderOption renderOption = new HTMLRenderOption();
	renderOption.setActionHandler(new HTMLActionHandler());
	HTMLServerImageHandler imageHandler = new HTMLServerImageHandler();
	return renderOption;
private HTMLRenderOption prerareBackEndHtmlRenderOption() {
	HTMLRenderOption renderOption = new HTMLRenderOption();
	renderOption.setImageHandler(new HTMLServerImageHandler() {
		protected String handleImage(IImage image, Object context, String prefix, boolean needMap) {
			byte[] encodedBytes = Base64.encodeBase64(image.getImageData());
			String embeddedImage = new String(encodedBytes);
			String extension = image.getExtension().substring(1).toLowerCase(); // it starts with "."
			return "data:image/" + extension + ";base64," + embeddedImage;
	return renderOption;
 * Test setRenderOption(IRenderOption) method Test getRenderOption() method

public void testGetRenderOption( )
	RenderOptionBase rendop = new RenderOptionBase( );
	rendop.setOutputFormat( "fo" );
	rendop.setOutputFileName( "outputfile" );

	HTMLRenderContext context = new HTMLRenderContext( );
	context.setRenderOption( rendop );

	RenderOptionBase ropb = (RenderOptionBase) ( context.getRenderOption( ) );

	assertEquals( "fo", ropb.getOutputFormat( ) );
	Map outsetting = new HashMap( );
	outsetting = ropb.getOutputSetting( );

	assertFalse( outsetting.isEmpty( ) );
	assertEquals( 2, outsetting.size( ) );

	ropb.getOutputSetting( ).put( HTMLRenderOption.URL_ENCODING, "UTF-8" );
	assertEquals( 3, outsetting.size( ) );

 * @param format
 *            render format
 * @param pagination
 *            For html output only, decide whether generate report with page
 *            break or not.
 * @throws EngineException
protected ArrayList runandrender_emitter( String format, boolean pagination )
		throws EngineException
	IReportRunnable reportRunnable = engine.openReportDesign( inPath
			+ getReportName( ) );
	IRunAndRenderTask task = engine.createRunAndRenderTask( reportRunnable );
	RenderOption options = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	options.setOutputFormat( format );
	if ( format.equals( EMITTER_HTML ) )
		( (HTMLRenderOption) options ).setHtmlPagination( pagination );
	HashMap appContext = new HashMap( );
	appContext.put( "emitter_class", this );
	task.setAppContext( appContext );
	task.setRenderOption( options ); );
	ArrayList errors = (ArrayList) task.getErrors( );
	task.close( );
	return errors;
public void testVisionOptimize( ) throws EngineException, IOException
	HTMLRenderOption options = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	options.setOutputMasterPageMargins( true );
	options.setEmbeddable( false );
	ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream( );
	List instanceIDs = new ArrayList( );
	options.setInstanceIDs( instanceIDs );
	options.setOutputStream( output );
	options.setEnableMetadata( true );
	IRenderTask task = createRenderTask( designFile );
	task.setRenderOption( options );
	task.render( );
	task.close( );
	String content = new String( output.toByteArray( ) );
	output.close( );
	String regex = "<col style=\"width: 1.25in;\">";
	Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile( regex ).matcher( content );
	assertEquals( true, matcher.find( ) );
public void testInlineStyle( ) throws EngineException, IOException
	HTMLRenderOption options = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	options.setEmbeddable( true );
	options.setEnableInlineStyle( true );
	ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream( );
	List instanceIDs = new ArrayList( );
	options.setInstanceIDs( instanceIDs );
	options.setOutputStream( output );
	IRenderTask task = createRenderTask( designFile );
	task.setRenderOption( options );
	task.render( );
	task.close( );
	String content = new String( output.toByteArray( ) );
	output.close( );
	String regex = "<style type=\"text/css\">";
	Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile( regex ).matcher( content );
	assertEquals( false, matcher.find( ) );
	regex = "<div[^<>]*style=\"[^<>]*color: rgb(255, 0, 0)[^<>]*>aaaa</div>";
	matcher = Pattern.compile( regex ).matcher( content );
	assertEquals( false, matcher.find( ) );
 * @throws EngineException
 * @throws IOException
public void testTableColumnWidth( ) throws EngineException, IOException
	//the default cell to place the group icon is the first cell.
	String designFile = "org/eclipse/birt/report/engine/emitter/html/TableColumnWidth.xml";
	HTMLRenderOption options = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	options.setLayoutPreference( "fixed" );
	ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream( );
	List instanceIDs = new ArrayList( );
	options.setInstanceIDs( instanceIDs );
	options.setOutputStream( output );
	options.setEnableMetadata( true );
	IRenderTask task = createRenderTask( designFile );
	task.setRenderOption( options );
	task.render( );
	task.close( );
	String content = new String( output.toByteArray( ) );
	output.close( );
	content = content.replaceAll( "\n", "\"\n\"+\\\\n" );
	String regex = "table-layout:fixed";
	Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile( regex ).matcher( content );
	assertEquals( true, matcher.find( ) );

 * Test group icon will be displayed with group key even when the key is in a grid without query.
 * @throws EngineException
 * @throws IOException
public void testDisplayGroupIconWithGroupKey( ) throws EngineException, IOException
	String designFile = "org/eclipse/birt/report/engine/emitter/html/displayGroupIcon_Test1.xml";

	//a. Test run and render task.
	HTMLRenderOption options = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	options.setDisplayGroupIcon( true );
	String[] iconKeys = {"group key1 in data item",
			"group key2 in grid without query", "group key3 in data item",
			"group key4 with same expression"};
	String content = getRenderResult( designFile, false, options ).content;
	checkAllGroupIconDisplayed( options, content, iconKeys );

	content = getRenderResult( designFile, true, options ).content;
	checkAllGroupIconDisplayed( options, content, iconKeys );
public void testPerformanceOptimize( ) throws EngineException, IOException
	HTMLRenderOption options = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	options.setEnableAgentStyleEngine( true );
	options.setEmbeddable( true );
	ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream( );
	List instanceIDs = new ArrayList( );
	options.setInstanceIDs( instanceIDs );
	options.setOutputStream( output );
	//options.setEnableMetadata( true );
	IRenderTask task = createRenderTask( designFile );
	task.setRenderOption( options );
	task.render( );
	task.close( );
	String content = new String( output.toByteArray( ) );
	output.close( );
	String regex = "text-decoration: underline;";
	Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile( regex ).matcher( content );
	assertEquals( true, matcher.find( ) );
	regex = "<div style=\" text-decoration: underline;\">";
	matcher = Pattern.compile( regex ).matcher( content );
	assertEquals( false, matcher.find( ) );
public void testVisionOptimize( ) throws EngineException, IOException
	HTMLRenderOption options = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	options.setEnableAgentStyleEngine( false );
	options.setEmbeddable( true );
	ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream( );
	List instanceIDs = new ArrayList( );
	options.setInstanceIDs( instanceIDs );
	options.setOutputStream( output );
	//options.setEnableMetadata( true );
	IRenderTask task = createRenderTask( designFile );
	task.setRenderOption( options );
	task.render( );
	task.close( );
	String content = new String( output.toByteArray( ) );
	output.close( );
	String regex = "<div style=\" text-decoration: underline;";
	Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile( regex ).matcher( content );
	assertEquals( true, matcher.find( ) );

protected String getReportTitle( IReportContent report )
	// write the title of the report in HTML.
	String title = null;
	if ( report != null )
		title = report.getTitle( );
	if ( title == null )
		// set the default title
		if ( renderOption != null )
			HTMLRenderOption htmlOption = new HTMLRenderOption( renderOption );
			title = htmlOption.getHtmlTitle( );
	return title;
 * Figures out the RTL rendering option.
 * @param htmlOption
 * @author bidi_hcg
protected void retrieveRtLFlag( )
	// If htmlOption has RTL_FLAG option set (likely adopted from an URL
	// parameter), honor this option, otherwise obtain direction from
	// the report design.
	HTMLRenderOption htmlOption = new HTMLRenderOption( renderOption );
	Object bidiFlag = htmlOption.getOption( IRenderOption.RTL_FLAG );
	if ( Boolean.TRUE.equals( bidiFlag ) )
		htmlRtLFlag = true;
	else if ( bidiFlag == null && report != null)
		ReportDesignHandle handle = report.getDesign( ).getReportDesign( );
		if ( handle != null )
			htmlRtLFlag = handle.isDirectionRTL( );
			htmlOption.setHtmlRtLFlag( htmlRtLFlag ); // not necessary though
 * Run and render the report, and return the render result.
 * @param designFile
 * @return render result.
 * @throws EngineException
 * @throws IOException
protected String runAndRender( String designFile ) throws EngineException,
	IRunAndRenderTask runAndRenderTask = createRunAndRenderTask( designFile );
	HTMLRenderOption options = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream( );
	options.setOutputStream( out );
	options.setOutputFormat( "html" );
	options.setHtmlPagination( true );
	runAndRenderTask.setRenderOption( options ); );
	runAndRenderTask.close( );
	String result = new String( out.toByteArray( ) );
	out.close( );
	return result;
public void run( ) throws Exception
	// render the generated report document
	IReportDocument doc = engine.openReportDocument( fileName );
	long pageCount = doc.getPageCount( );
	for ( int i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++ )
		IRenderTask renderTask = engine.createRenderTask( doc );

		HTMLRenderOption option = new HTMLRenderOption( );
		option.setOutputFormat( "html" );
		option.setOutputStream( new ByteArrayOutputStream( ) );
		renderTask.setRenderOption( option );
		renderTask.setPageNumber( i );

		renderTask.render( );
		List errors = renderTask.getErrors( );
		assertEquals( 0, errors.size( ) );
		renderTask.close( );
	doc.close( );
private void configEngine( )
	HTMLRenderOption emitterConfig = new HTMLRenderOption( );

	emitterConfig.setActionHandler( new HTMLActionHandler( ) {

		public String getURL( IAction actionDefn, Object context )
			if ( actionDefn.getType( ) == IAction.ACTION_DRILLTHROUGH )
				return "birt://" //$NON-NLS-1$
						+ URLEncoder.encode( super.getURL( actionDefn,
								context ) );
			return super.getURL( actionDefn, context );

	} );

	engineConfig.getEmitterConfigs( ).put( RenderOption.OUTPUT_FORMAT_HTML,
			emitterConfig );
void doRenderAll( ) throws Exception
	IReportDocument document = engine.openReportDocument( REPORT_DOCUMENT );
	ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream( );
	IRenderTask renderTask = engine.createRenderTask( document );
	renderTask.getReportRunnable( ).setDesignHandle( reportHandle );
	IRenderOption option = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	option.setOutputFormat( HTMLRenderOption.OUTPUT_FORMAT_HTML );
	option.setOutputStream( out );
	renderTask.setRenderOption( option );
	renderTask.render( );
	assertTrue( renderTask.getErrors( ).isEmpty( ) );
	renderTask.close( );
	String pageContent = out.toString( "UTF-8" );
	assertTrue( pageContent.indexOf( "reportlet_table" ) != -1 );
	assertTrue( pageContent.indexOf( "SECOND-PAGE" ) != -1 );
	document.close( );
void doRenderAll( ) throws Exception
	IReportDocument document = engine.openReportDocument( REPORT_DOCUMENT );
	ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream( );
	IRenderTask renderTask = engine.createRenderTask( document );
	IRenderOption option = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	option.setOutputFormat( HTMLRenderOption.OUTPUT_FORMAT_HTML );
	option.setOutputStream( out );
	renderTask.setRenderOption( option );
	renderTask.render( );
	assertTrue( renderTask.getErrors( ).isEmpty( ) );
	renderTask.close( );
	String pageContent = out.toString( "UTF-8" );
	assertTrue( pageContent.indexOf( "reportlet_table" ) != -1 );
	assertTrue( pageContent.indexOf( "SECOND-PAGE" ) != -1 );
	document.close( );
public void test90378( ) throws Exception
	ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream( );
	IRenderOption option = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	option.setOutputFormat( "html" );
	option.setOutputStream( out );
	render( "org/eclipse/birt/report/engine/regression/90378.rptdesign",
			option );
	String report = out.toString( );

	Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "<div>b1</div>" );
	Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( report );
	int matches = 0;
	while ( matcher.find( ) )
	assertEquals( 2, matches );
protected HTMLRenderOption prepareHtmlRenderOption(HttpServletRequest servletRequest) throws Exception {
	boolean isBackEndRequest = isBackEndRequest(servletRequest);
	if (isBackEndRequest) {
		return prerareBackEndHtmlRenderOption();
	} else {
		return prepareFrontEndHtmlRenderOption();
 * Test IEmitterServices methods.
 * @throws BirtException
public void testIEmitterServices( ) throws BirtException
	EngineConfig config = new EngineConfig( );
	emitterConfig = new HTMLEmitterConfig( );
	config.setEmitterConfiguration( EMITTER_HTML, emitterConfig );
	emitterConfig = config.getEmitterConfigs( ).get( EMITTER_HTML );
	Platform.startup( config );
	IReportEngineFactory factory = (IReportEngineFactory) Platform
			.createFactoryObject( IReportEngineFactory.EXTENSION_REPORT_ENGINE_FACTORY );
	IReportEngine reportEngine = factory.createReportEngine( config );
	IReportRunnable reportRunnable = engine.openReportDesign( this
			.genInputFile( report ) );

	IRenderOption options = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	options.setOutputFormat( EMITTER_HTML );
	options.setOutputFileName( this.genOutputFile( "myService.html" ) );
	HTMLRenderContext renderContext = new HTMLRenderContext( );
	renderContext.setImageDirectory( "myImage" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
	HashMap appContext = new HashMap( );
			renderContext );
	appContext.put( "emitter_class", this );

	IRunAndRenderTask rrTask = reportEngine
			.createRunAndRenderTask( reportRunnable );
	rrTask.setRenderOption( options );
	rrTask.setAppContext( appContext ); );
	rrTask.close( );
 * Test setEmbeddable(boolean embeddable) method Test getEmbeddable() method
public void testGetEmbeddable( ) throws Exception
	HTMLRenderOption option = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	boolean bEmbed = true, bEmbedGet;
	option.setEmbeddable( bEmbed );
	bEmbedGet = option.getEmbeddable( );
	assertEquals( "set/getEmbeddable() fail", bEmbed, bEmbedGet );

 * Test setUserAgent(java.lang.String userAgent) method Test getUserAgent()
 * method
public void testGetUserAgent( )
	String agent = "agent", agentGet;
	HTMLRenderOption option = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	option.setUserAgent( agent );
	agentGet = option.getUserAgent( );
	assertEquals( "set/getUserAgent() fail", agent, agentGet );
 * Test setActionHandle(IHTMLActionHandler) method Test getActionHandle()
 * method
public void testGetActionHandle( )
	HTMLActionHandler htmlAction = new HTMLActionHandler( );
	HTMLRenderOption option = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	option.setActionHandle( htmlAction );
	assertNotNull( option.getActionHandle( ) );

 * Test setDisplayFilterIcon(boolean displayFilterIcon) method Test
 * getDisplayFilterIcon() method
public void testGetDisplayFilterIcon( )
	HTMLRenderOption option = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	option.setDisplayFilterIcon( true );
	assertTrue( option.getDisplayFilterIcon( ) );
protected IRenderOption makeRenderOption() {
	HTMLRenderOption options = new HTMLRenderOption();
	return options;
 * Test setEnableMetadata(boolean enableMetadata) getEnableMetadata()
public void testGetEnableMetadata( )
	HTMLRenderOption option = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	option.setEnableMetadata( false );
	assertFalse( option.getEnableMetadata( ) );
 * Test setHtmlPagination(boolean pagination) getHtmlPagination()
public void testGetHtmlPagination( )
	HTMLRenderOption option = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	option.setHtmlPagination( true );
	assertTrue( option.getHtmlPagination( ) );
protected IRenderOption getRenderOptions(OutputStream output) {
	HTMLRenderOption options = new HTMLRenderOption();
	return options;
private void createReportOutput( String reportDocumentFile,
		String outputFolder ) throws EngineException, IOException
	IReportDocument document = engine.openReportDocument( reportDocumentFile );
	renderTask = engine.createRenderTask( document );

	String outputFile = getOutputFileName( outputFolder,
			new File( reportDesignFile ).getName( ),
			targetFormat );

	IRenderOption renderOption = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	renderOption.setOutputFileName( outputFile );
	renderOption.setOutputFormat( targetFormat );

		renderTask.setRenderOption( renderOption );
		configTask( renderTask );
		renderTask.render( );
	catch ( EngineException e )
		throw e;
		renderTask.close( );
		renderTask = null;
		document.close( );
		document = null;
 * Test setInstanceIDs (java.util.List instanceIDs) getInstanceIDs()
public void testGetInstanceIDs( )
	ArrayList ins = new ArrayList( );

	HTMLRenderOption option = new HTMLRenderOption( );
	option.setInstanceIDs( ins );
	assertNotNull( option.getInstanceIDs( ) );
