
protected @NonNull List<IMarkerEvent> getViewMarkerList(long startTime, long endTime, long resolution, @NonNull IProgressMonitor monitor) {
    ITmfTrace trace = getTrace();
    if (trace == null) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    long start = trace.getStartTime().toNanos();
    return Arrays.<IMarkerEvent> asList(
            (IMarkerEvent) new MarkerEvent(fHead1, 120 + start, 50, MARKER_GROUP, new RGBA(33, 33, 33, 33), "Wind", true),
            (IMarkerEvent) new MarkerEvent(fRow4, 20 + start, 60, MARKER_GROUP, new RGBA(22, 33, 44, 22), "Speed", false),
            (IMarkerEvent) new MarkerEvent(fRow2, 20 + start, 0, MARKER_GROUP, new RGBA(22, 33, 44, 22), "", false, 0),
            (IMarkerEvent) new MarkerEvent(fRow2, 26 + start, 0, MARKER_GROUP, new RGBA(22, 33, 44, 22), "", false, 1),
            (IMarkerEvent) new MarkerEvent(fRow2, 32 + start, 0, MARKER_GROUP, new RGBA(22, 33, 44, 22), "", false, 2),
            (IMarkerEvent) new MarkerEvent(fRow2, 38 + start, 0, MARKER_GROUP, new RGBA(22, 33, 44, 22), "", false, 3),
            (IMarkerEvent) new MarkerEvent(fRow2, 44 + start, 0, MARKER_GROUP, new RGBA(22, 33, 44, 22), "", false, 4),
            (IMarkerEvent) new MarkerEvent(fRow2, 50 + start, 0, MARKER_GROUP, new RGBA(22, 33, 44, 22), "", true, 5));
private PeriodicMarkerEventSource(String category, Reference reference, double period, long rollover, boolean foreground, RGBA color1, @Nullable RGBA color2) {
    if (period <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("period cannot be less than or equal to zero"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    if (rollover < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("rollover cannot be less than zero"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    fCategory = category;
    fReference = reference;
    fPeriod = period;
    fPeriodInteger = (long) period;
    try {
        fPeriodFraction = Fraction.getFraction(fPeriod - fPeriodInteger);
    } catch (ArithmeticException e) {
        /* can't convert to fraction, use floating-point arithmetic */
        fPeriodFraction = null;
    fRollover = rollover;
    fColor1 = color1;
    fColor2 = color2;
    fForeground = foreground;
private void configure(Marker marker) {
    if (marker instanceof PeriodicMarker) {
        PeriodicMarker periodicMarker = (PeriodicMarker) marker;
        String referenceId = periodicMarker.getReferenceId();
        Reference baseReference = null;
        if (fTrace instanceof IAdaptable && !referenceId.isEmpty()) {
            @Nullable IMarkerReferenceProvider adapter = ((IAdaptable) fTrace).getAdapter(IMarkerReferenceProvider.class);
            if (adapter != null) {
                baseReference = adapter.getReference(referenceId);
        if (baseReference == null) {
            baseReference = Reference.ZERO;
        long rollover = periodicMarker.getRange().hasUpperBound() ? (periodicMarker.getRange().upperEndpoint() - periodicMarker.getRange().lowerEndpoint() + 1) : 0;
        RGBA evenColor = getColor(periodicMarker);
        RGBA oddColor = getOddColor(evenColor);
        double period = convertToNanos(periodicMarker.getPeriod(), periodicMarker.getUnit());
        Reference reference = new Reference(baseReference.getTime() + Math.round(convertToNanos(periodicMarker.getOffset(), periodicMarker.getUnit())), baseReference.getIndex());
        ConfigurablePeriodicMarkerEventSource markerEventSource = new ConfigurablePeriodicMarkerEventSource(marker, checkNotNull(periodicMarker.getName()), reference, period, rollover, evenColor, oddColor, false, periodicMarker.getRange().lowerEndpoint(), checkNotNull(periodicMarker.getLabel()), periodicMarker.getIndexRange());
private void getSubMarkerList(SplitMarker splitMarker, IMarkerEvent markerEvent, @NonNull List<@NonNull IMarkerEvent> markerList, long startTime, long endTime, long minDuration) {
    if (markerEvent.getTime() > endTime || markerEvent.getTime() + markerEvent.getDuration() < startTime) {
    long lower = splitMarker.getRange().lowerEndpoint();
    long upper = splitMarker.getRange().upperEndpoint();
    long segments = upper - lower + 1;
    long start = markerEvent.getTime();
    for (int i = 0; i < segments; i++) {
        long end = markerEvent.getTime() + Math.round((double) (i + 1) / segments * markerEvent.getDuration());
        long duration = end - start;
        long labelIndex = lower + i;
        if (end >= startTime && duration > minDuration && splitMarker.getIndexRange().contains(labelIndex)) {
            RGBA color = (labelIndex & 1) == 0 ? getColor(splitMarker) : getOddColor(getColor(splitMarker));
            IMarkerEvent subMarkerEvent = new MarkerEvent(null, start, end - start, splitMarker.getName(), color, String.format(splitMarker.getLabel(), labelIndex), false);
            for (SubMarker subMarker : splitMarker.getSubMarkers()) {
                getSubMarkerList(subMarker, subMarkerEvent, markerList, startTime, endTime, minDuration);
        if (start >= endTime) {
        start = end;
private static void validateMarker(IMarkerEvent marker, long time, long duration, String category, String label, RGBA color) {
    assertEquals(time, marker.getTime());
    assertEquals(duration, marker.getDuration());
    assertEquals(category, marker.getCategory());
    assertEquals(label, marker.getLabel());
    assertEquals(color, marker.getColor());
    assertEquals(false, marker.isForeground());
private @NonNull ISeries<?> createDimmedSeriesFromModel(ISeriesModel yModel) {
    ISeriesSet seriesSet = getSwtChart().getSeriesSet();

    String seriesName = yModel.getName() + DIMMED_SERIES_SUFFIX;
    OutputElementStyle appearance = getSeriesStyle(yModel.getId());
    BaseXYPresentationProvider presProvider = getPresentationProvider();

    String type = (String) presProvider.getStyleOrDefault(appearance, StyleProperties.SERIES_TYPE, StyleProperties.SeriesType.LINE);
    RGBAColor rgbaColor = presProvider.getColorStyleOrDefault(appearance, StyleProperties.COLOR, DEFAULT_COLOR);
    float[] rgb = rgbaColor.getHSBA();
    COLOR_REGISTRY.put(rgb.toString(), new RGBA(rgb[0], rgb[1] * 0.5f, rgb[2] * 0.5f, rgb[3]).rgb);
    Color color = COLOR_REGISTRY.get(rgb.toString());
    String symbolType = (String) presProvider.getStyle(appearance, StyleProperties.SYMBOL_TYPE);

    if (type.equals(IYAppearance.Type.BAR)) {
        IBarSeries<?> barSeries = (IBarSeries<?>) seriesSet.createSeries(SeriesType.BAR, seriesName);
        return barSeries;

     * Default is line chart
    ILineSeries<?> lineSeries = (ILineSeries<?>) seriesSet.createSeries(SeriesType.LINE, seriesName);
    lineSeries.setLineStyle(LineStyle.valueOf((String) presProvider.getStyle(appearance, StyleProperties.SERIES_STYLE)));
    lineSeries.setSymbolType(SYMBOL_MAP.getOrDefault(symbolType, ILineSeries.PlotSymbolType.NONE));
    lineSeries.setLineWidth(((Number) presProvider.getFloatStyleOrDefault(appearance, StyleProperties.WIDTH, 1.0f)).intValue());
    return lineSeries;
private @NonNull ISeries createDimmedSeriesFromModel(ISeriesModel yModel) {
    ISeriesSet seriesSet = getSwtChart().getSeriesSet();

    String seriesName = yModel.getName() + DIMMED_SERIES_SUFFIX;
    OutputElementStyle appearance = getSeriesStyle(yModel.getId());
    BaseXYPresentationProvider presProvider = getPresentationProvider2();

    String type = (String) presProvider.getStyleOrDefault(appearance, StyleProperties.SERIES_TYPE, StyleProperties.SeriesType.LINE);
    RGBAColor rgbaColor = presProvider.getColorStyleOrDefault(appearance, StyleProperties.COLOR, DEFAULT_COLOR);
    float[] rgb = rgbaColor.getHSBA();
    COLOR_REGISTRY.put(rgb.toString(), new RGBA(rgb[0], rgb[1] * 0.5f, rgb[2] * 0.5f, rgb[3]).rgb);
    Color color = COLOR_REGISTRY.get(rgb.toString());
    String symbolType = (String) presProvider.getStyle(appearance, StyleProperties.SYMBOL_TYPE);

    if (type.equals(StyleProperties.SeriesType.BAR)) {
        IBarSeries barSeries = (IBarSeries) seriesSet.createSeries(SeriesType.BAR, seriesName);
        return barSeries;

     * Default is line chart
    ILineSeries lineSeries = (ILineSeries) seriesSet.createSeries(SeriesType.LINE, seriesName);
    lineSeries.setLineStyle(LineStyle.valueOf((String) presProvider.getStyle(appearance, StyleProperties.SERIES_STYLE)));
    lineSeries.setSymbolType(SYMBOL_MAP.getOrDefault(symbolType, ILineSeries.PlotSymbolType.NONE));
    lineSeries.setLineWidth(((Number) presProvider.getFloatStyleOrDefault(appearance, StyleProperties.WIDTH, 1.0f)).intValue());
    return lineSeries;
private @NonNull RGBA getColor(Marker marker) {
    RGBA color = fColors.get(marker);
    if (color == null) {
        color = parseColor(marker.getColor());
        fColors.put(marker, color);
    return color;
public ConfigurablePeriodicMarkerEventSource(Marker marker, @NonNull String category, @NonNull Reference reference, double period, long rollover, @NonNull RGBA evenColor, @NonNull RGBA oddColor, boolean foreground, long startIndex, @NonNull String label, RangeSet<Long> indexRange) {
    super(category, reference, period, rollover, evenColor, oddColor, foreground);
    fMarker = marker;
    fStartIndex = startIndex;
    fLabel = label;
    fIndexRange = indexRange;
    fMaxDuration = period;
public List<IMarkerEvent> getMarkerList(String category, long startTime, long endTime, long resolution, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
    if (startTime > endTime) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    List<IMarkerEvent> markers = new ArrayList<>();
    /* Subtract 1.5 periods to ensure previous marker is included */
    long time = startTime - Math.max(Math.round(1.5 * fPeriod), resolution);
    Reference reference = adjustReference(fReference, time);
    IMarkerEvent markerEvent = null;
    while (true) {
        long index = Math.round((time - reference.time) / fPeriod) + reference.index;
        time = Math.round((index - reference.index) * fPeriod) + reference.time;
        long duration = (fColor2 == null) ? 0 : Math.round((index + 1 - reference.index) * fPeriod) + reference.time - time;
        long labelIndex = index;
        if (fRollover != 0) {
            labelIndex %= fRollover;
            if (labelIndex < 0) {
                labelIndex += fRollover;
        /* Add previous marker if current is visible */
        if ((time >= startTime || time + duration > startTime) && markerEvent != null) {
        if (isApplicable(labelIndex)) {
            RGBA color = (fColor2 == null) ? fColor1 : (index % 2 == 0) ? fColor1 : fColor2;
            markerEvent = new MarkerEvent(null, time, duration, fCategory, color, getMarkerLabel(labelIndex), fForeground);
        } else {
            markerEvent = null;
        if (time > endTime) {
            if (markerEvent != null) {
                /* The next marker out of range is included */
        time += Math.max(Math.round(fPeriod), resolution);
    return markers;
public RGBA getColor() {
    return fColor;
private static @NonNull RGBA getOddColor(RGBA color) {
    return new RGBA(,,, 0);
public void setColor(String key, RGBA color) {
	this.factory.getColors().createColor(key, color.rgb);
public static Color get(int r, int g, int b) {
	return get(new RGBA(r, g, b, 255));
public static Color get(RGB rgb) {
	RGBA rgba = new RGBA(,,, 255);
	return get(rgba);
public static Color get(int r, int g, int b, int a) {
	return get(new RGBA(r, g, b, a));
 * Standard constructor
 * @param entry
 *            The entry of the marker, or null
 * @param time
 *            The timestamp of this marker
 * @param duration
 *            The duration of the marker
 * @param category
 *            The category of the marker
 * @param color
 *            The marker color
 * @param label
 *            The label of the marker, or null
 * @param foreground
 *            true if the marker is drawn in foreground, and false otherwise
public MarkerEvent(ITimeGraphEntry entry, long time, long duration, String category, RGBA color, String label, boolean foreground) {
    super(entry, time, duration);
    fCategory = category;
    fColor = color;
    fLabel = label;
    fForeground = foreground;
 * Constructor
 * @param entry
 *            The entry of the marker, or null
 * @param time
 *            The timestamp of this marker
 * @param duration
 *            The duration of the marker
 * @param category
 *            The category of the marker
 * @param color
 *            The marker color
 * @param label
 *            The label of the marker, or null
 * @param foreground
 *            true if the marker is drawn in foreground, and false otherwise
 * @param value
 *            The value of the marker
public MarkerEvent(ITimeGraphEntry entry, long time, long duration, String category, RGBA color, String label, boolean foreground, int value) {
    super(entry, time, duration, value);
    fCategory = category;
    fColor = color;
    fLabel = label;
    fForeground = foreground;
 * Constructor
 * @param annotation
 *            {@link IAnnotation} that represent this marker event
 * @param entry
 *            The entry to which this marker event is assigned
 * @param category
 *            The category of the marker
 * @param foreground
 *            true if the marker is drawn in foreground, and false otherwise
 * @since 5.2
public MarkerEvent(IAnnotation annotation, ITimeGraphEntry entry, String category, boolean foreground) {
    super(entry, annotation);
    fCategory = category;
    fLabel = annotation.getLabel();
    fColor = new RGBA(0, 0, 0, 255);
    fForeground = foreground;
 * Constructs a periodic marker event source with line markers at period
 * boundaries.
 * <p>
 * The markers will have the given category and color. The reference defines
 * the marker with the given index to be at the specified time.
 * @param category
 *            the marker category
 * @param reference
 *            the reference marker time and index
 * @param period
 *            the period in time units
 * @param rollover
 *            the number of periods before the index rolls-over to 0, or 0
 *            for no roll-over
 * @param color
 *            the marker color
 * @param foreground
 *            true if the marker is drawn in foreground, and false otherwise
public PeriodicMarkerEventSource(String category, Reference reference, double period, long rollover, RGBA color, boolean foreground) {
    this(category, reference, period, rollover, foreground, color, null);
 * Constructs a periodic marker event source with alternating shading
 * markers.
 * <p>
 * The markers will have the given category. Periods will be shaded with the
 * first and second colors alternatively. The reference defines the marker
 * with the given index to be at the specified time. The reference will be
 * shaded with the first color if its index is even, or the second color
 * if it is odd.
 * @param category
 *            the marker category
 * @param reference
 *            the reference marker time and index
 * @param period
 *            the period in time units
 * @param rollover
 *            the number of periods before the index rolls-over to 0, or 0
 *            for no roll-over
 * @param color1
 *            the first marker color
 * @param color2
 *            the second marker color
 * @param foreground
 *            true if the marker is drawn in foreground, and false otherwise
public PeriodicMarkerEventSource(String category, Reference reference, double period, long rollover, RGBA color1, RGBA color2, boolean foreground) {
    this(category, reference, period, rollover, foreground, color1, color2);
 * Get this marker's color.
 * @return The color
RGBA getColor();
 * Get a color resource for the specified RGBA color descriptor
 * @param rgba
 *            the color descriptor
 * @return a color resource
 * @since 2.0
public Color getColor(RGBA rgba) {
    return fColorMap.computeIfAbsent(rgba, colorRgba -> new Color(Display.getDefault(), colorRgba));
 * Convert to an RGBA from an integer
 * @param value
 *            the integer encoded RGBA
 * @return the RGBA
public static RGBA fromInt(int value) {
    return new RGBA((value >> 24) & 0xff, (value >> 16) & 0xff, (value >>> 8) & 0xff, value & 0xff);
 * Convert to an integer from a RGBA
 * @param value
 *            the RGBA
 * @return the integer encoded RGBA
public static int fromRGBA(RGBA value) {
    RGB rgb = value.rgb;
    return ( << 24) | ( << 16) | ( << 8) | value.alpha;
 * Convert from an RGBAColor to an RGBA, useful for dealing with palettes.
 * @param color The {@link RGBAColor}
 * @return an {@link RGBA}
public static RGBA fromRGBAColor(RGBAColor color) {
    return fromInt(color.toInt());
 * Returns the color selected in this dialog.
 * @return the color RGBA value
public RGBA getColorValue() {
    RGB rgb = fColorSelector.getColorValue();
    return new RGBA(,,, fAlpha);