
def _extract_table_identifiers(token_stream):
    for item in token_stream:
        if isinstance(item, IdentifierList):
            for ident in item.get_identifiers():
                    alias = ident.get_alias()
                    schema_name = ident.get_parent_name()
                    real_name = ident.get_real_name()
                except AttributeError:
                if real_name:
                    yield Reference(schema_name, real_name,
                                    alias, _identifier_is_function(ident))
        elif isinstance(item, Identifier):
            yield Reference(item.get_parent_name(), item.get_real_name(),
                            item.get_alias(), _identifier_is_function(item))
        elif isinstance(item, Function):
            yield Reference(item.get_parent_name(), item.get_real_name(),
                            item.get_alias(), _identifier_is_function(item)) 
def group_period(tlist):
    def match(token):
        return token.match(T.Punctuation, '.')

    def valid_prev(token):
        sqlcls = sql.SquareBrackets, sql.Identifier
        ttypes = T.Name, T.String.Symbol
        return imt(token, i=sqlcls, t=ttypes)

    def valid_next(token):
        # issue261, allow invalid next token
        return True

    def post(tlist, pidx, tidx, nidx):
        # next_ validation is being performed here. issue261
        sqlcls = sql.SquareBrackets, sql.Function
        ttypes = T.Name, T.String.Symbol, T.Wildcard
        next_ = tlist[nidx] if nidx is not None else None
        valid_next = imt(next_, i=sqlcls, t=ttypes)

        return (pidx, nidx) if valid_next else (pidx, tidx)

    _group(tlist, sql.Identifier, match, valid_prev, valid_next, post) 
def group_comparison(tlist):
    sqlcls = (sql.Parenthesis, sql.Function, sql.Identifier,
    ttypes = T_NUMERICAL + T_STRING + T_NAME

    def match(token):
        return token.ttype == T.Operator.Comparison

    def valid(token):
        if imt(token, t=ttypes, i=sqlcls):
            return True
        elif token and token.is_keyword and token.normalized == 'NULL':
            return True
            return False

    def post(tlist, pidx, tidx, nidx):
        return pidx, nidx

    valid_prev = valid_next = valid
    _group(tlist, sql.Comparison, match,
           valid_prev, valid_next, post, extend=False) 
def group_arrays(tlist):
    sqlcls = sql.SquareBrackets, sql.Identifier, sql.Function
    ttypes = T.Name, T.String.Symbol

    def match(token):
        return isinstance(token, sql.SquareBrackets)

    def valid_prev(token):
        return imt(token, i=sqlcls, t=ttypes)

    def valid_next(token):
        return True

    def post(tlist, pidx, tidx, nidx):
        return pidx, tidx

    _group(tlist, sql.Identifier, match,
           valid_prev, valid_next, post, extend=True, recurse=False) 
def group_identifier_list(tlist):
    m_role = T.Keyword, ('null', 'role')
    sqlcls = (sql.Function, sql.Case, sql.Identifier, sql.Comparison,
              sql.IdentifierList, sql.Operation)
    ttypes = (T_NUMERICAL + T_STRING + T_NAME +
              (T.Keyword, T.Comment, T.Wildcard))

    def match(token):
        return token.match(T.Punctuation, ',')

    def valid(token):
        return imt(token, i=sqlcls, m=m_role, t=ttypes)

    def post(tlist, pidx, tidx, nidx):
        return pidx, nidx

    valid_prev = valid_next = valid
    _group(tlist, sql.IdentifierList, match,
           valid_prev, valid_next, post, extend=True) 
def group_functions(tlist):
    has_create = False
    has_table = False
    for tmp_token in tlist.tokens:
        if tmp_token.value == 'CREATE':
            has_create = True
        if tmp_token.value == 'TABLE':
            has_table = True
    if has_create and has_table:

    tidx, token = tlist.token_next_by(t=T.Name)
    while token:
        nidx, next_ = tlist.token_next(tidx)
        if isinstance(next_, sql.Parenthesis):
            tlist.group_tokens(sql.Function, tidx, nidx)
        tidx, token = tlist.token_next_by(t=T.Name, idx=tidx) 
def group_aliased(tlist):
    clss = (sql.Identifier, sql.Function, sql.Case)
    [group_aliased(sgroup) for sgroup in tlist.get_sublists()
     if not isinstance(sgroup, clss)]
    idx = 0
    token = tlist.token_next_by_instance(idx, clss)
    while token:
        next_ = tlist.token_next(tlist.token_index(token))
        if next_ is not None and isinstance(next_, clss):
            if not next_.value.upper().startswith('VARCHAR'):
                grp = tlist.tokens_between(token, next_)[1:]
                for t in grp:
        idx = tlist.token_index(token) + 1
        token = tlist.token_next_by_instance(idx, clss) 
def group_aliased(tlist):
    clss = (sql.Identifier, sql.Function, sql.Case)
    [group_aliased(sgroup) for sgroup in tlist.get_sublists()
     if not isinstance(sgroup, clss)]
    idx = 0
    token = tlist.token_next_by_instance(idx, clss)
    while token:
        next_ = tlist.token_next(tlist.token_index(token))
        if next_ is not None and isinstance(next_, clss):
            # for jython str.upper()
            # if not next_.value.upper().startswith('VARCHAR'):
            text = next_.value
            if sys.version_info[0] < 3 and isinstance(text, str):
                text = text.decode('utf-8').upper().encode('utf-8')
            if not text.startswith('VARCHAR'):
                grp = tlist.tokens_between(token, next_)[1:]
                for t in grp:
        idx = tlist.token_index(token) + 1
        token = tlist.token_next_by_instance(idx, clss) 
def _identifier_is_function(identifier):
    return any(isinstance(t, Function) for t in identifier.tokens) 
def extract_table_identifiers(token_stream):
    """yields tuples of (schema_name, table_name, table_alias)"""

    for item in token_stream:
        if isinstance(item, IdentifierList):
            for identifier in item.get_identifiers():
                # Sometimes Keywords (such as FROM ) are classified as
                # identifiers which don't have the get_real_name() method.
                    schema_name = identifier.get_parent_name()
                    real_name = identifier.get_real_name()
                except AttributeError:
                if real_name:
                    yield (schema_name, real_name, identifier.get_alias())
        elif isinstance(item, Identifier):
            real_name = item.get_real_name()
            schema_name = item.get_parent_name()

            if real_name:
                yield (schema_name, real_name, item.get_alias())
                name = item.get_name()
                yield (None, name, item.get_alias() or name)
        elif isinstance(item, Function):
            yield (None, item.get_name(), item.get_name())

# extract_tables is inspired from examples in the sqlparse lib. 
def _identifier_is_function(identifier):
    return any(isinstance(t, Function) for t in identifier.tokens) 
def group_aliased(tlist):
    I_ALIAS = (sql.Parenthesis, sql.Function, sql.Case, sql.Identifier,

    tidx, token = tlist.token_next_by(i=I_ALIAS, t=T.Number)
    while token:
        nidx, next_ = tlist.token_next(tidx)
        if isinstance(next_, sql.Identifier):
            tlist.group_tokens(sql.Identifier, tidx, nidx, extend=True)
        tidx, token = tlist.token_next_by(i=I_ALIAS, t=T.Number, idx=tidx) 
def _process_identifierlist(self, tlist):
        identifiers = list(tlist.get_identifiers())
        first = next(identifiers.pop(0).flatten())
        num_offset = 1 if self.char == '\t' else self._get_offset(first)
        if not tlist.within(sql.Function):
            with offset(self, num_offset):
                position = 0
                for token in identifiers:
                    # Add 1 for the "," separator
                    position += len(token.value) + 1
                    if position > (self.wrap_after - self.offset):
                        adjust = 0
                        if self.comma_first:
                            adjust = -2
                            _, comma = tlist.token_prev(
                            if comma is None:
                            token = comma
                        if self.comma_first:
                            _, ws = tlist.token_next(
                                tlist.token_index(token), skip_ws=False)
                            if (ws is not None
                                    and ws.ttype is not T.Text.Whitespace):
                                    token, sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' '))
                        position = 0
def _process_identifierlist(self, tlist):
        identifiers = list(tlist.get_identifiers())
        if len(identifiers) > 1 and not tlist.within(sql.Function):
            first = list(identifiers[0].flatten())[0]
            if self.char == '\t':
                # when using tabs we don't count the actual word length
                # in spaces.
                num_offset = 1
                num_offset = self._get_offset(first) - len(first.value)
            self.offset += num_offset
            for token in identifiers[1:]:
            self.offset -= num_offset
def compact(stream):
    """Function that return a compacted version of the stream"""
    pipe = Pipeline()


    return pipe(stream) 
def group_functions(tlist):
    [group_functions(sgroup) for sgroup in tlist.get_sublists()
     if not isinstance(sgroup, sql.Function)]
    idx = 0
    token = tlist.token_next_by_type(idx, T.Name)
    while token:
        next_ = tlist.token_next(token)
        if not isinstance(next_, sql.Parenthesis):
            idx = tlist.token_index(token) + 1
            func = tlist.group_tokens(sql.Function,
                                      tlist.tokens_between(token, next_))
            idx = tlist.token_index(func) + 1
        token = tlist.token_next_by_type(idx, T.Name) 
def test_function(self):
        p = sqlparse.parse('foo()')[0]
        self.assert_(isinstance(p.tokens[0], sql.Function))
        p = sqlparse.parse('foo(null, bar)')[0]
        self.assert_(isinstance(p.tokens[0], sql.Function))
        self.assertEqual(len(list(p.tokens[0].get_parameters())), 2) 
def test_varchar(self):
        p = sqlparse.parse('"text" Varchar(50) NOT NULL')[0]
        self.assert_(isinstance(p.tokens[2], sql.Function)) 
def extract_table_identifiers(token_stream):
    """yields tuples of (schema_name, table_name, table_alias)"""

    for item in token_stream:
        if isinstance(item, IdentifierList):
            for identifier in item.get_identifiers():
                # Sometimes Keywords (such as FROM ) are classified as
                # identifiers which don't have the get_real_name() method.
                    schema_name = identifier.get_parent_name()
                    real_name = identifier.get_real_name()
                except AttributeError:
                if real_name:
                    yield (schema_name, real_name, identifier.get_alias())
        elif isinstance(item, Identifier):
            real_name = item.get_real_name()
            schema_name = item.get_parent_name()

            if real_name:
                yield (schema_name, real_name, item.get_alias())
                name = item.get_name()
                yield (None, name, item.get_alias() or name)
        elif isinstance(item, Function):
            yield (None, item.get_name(), item.get_name())

# extract_tables is inspired from examples in the sqlparse lib. 
def _process_identifierlist(self, tlist):
        identifiers = list(tlist.get_identifiers())
        if len(identifiers) > 1 and not tlist.within(sql.Function):
            first = list(identifiers[0].flatten())[0]
            if self.char == '\t':
                # when using tabs we don't count the actual word length
                # in spaces.
                num_offset = 1
                num_offset = self._get_offset(first) - len(first.value)
            self.offset += num_offset
            for token in identifiers[1:]:
            self.offset -= num_offset
def compact(stream):
    """Function that return a compacted version of the stream"""
    pipe = Pipeline()


    return pipe(stream) 
def group_functions(tlist):
    [group_functions(sgroup) for sgroup in tlist.get_sublists()
     if not isinstance(sgroup, sql.Function)]
    idx = 0
    token = tlist.token_next_by_type(idx, T.Name)
    while token:
        next_ = tlist.token_next(token)
        if not isinstance(next_, sql.Parenthesis):
            idx = tlist.token_index(token) + 1
            func = tlist.group_tokens(sql.Function,
                                      tlist.tokens_between(token, next_))
            idx = tlist.token_index(func) + 1
        token = tlist.token_next_by_type(idx, T.Name) 
def init_group_token(self, token, idx):
        if idx == 0:
            token._main_function = token._token_word(0)
            token._within = token._token_word(1)
            token._group = token._token_word(2)
        elif idx == 1:
            token._main_function = token._token_word(0)
            token._within = token._token_word(1)
            tgrp = token._token_word(2)
            tprn = token._token_word(3)
            token._group = token.group_tokens(sql.Function, token.tokens_between(tgrp, tprn)) 
def _identifier_is_function(identifier):
    return any(isinstance(t, Function) for t in identifier.tokens) 
def _identifier_is_function(identifier):
    return any(isinstance(t, Function) for t in identifier.tokens) 
def tokens2sql(token: Token,
                   query: 'query_module.BaseQuery'
                   ) -> Iterator[all_token_types]:
        from .functions import SQLFunc
        if isinstance(token, Identifier):
            # Bug fix for sql parse
            if isinstance(token[0], Parenthesis):
                except ValueError:
                    yield SQLConstIdentifier(token, query)
            elif isinstance(token[0], Function):
                yield SQLFunc.token2sql(token, query)
                yield SQLIdentifier(token, query)
        elif isinstance(token, Function):
            yield SQLFunc.token2sql(token, query)
        elif isinstance(token, Comparison):
            yield SQLComparison(token, query)
        elif isinstance(token, IdentifierList):
            for tok in token.get_identifiers():
                yield from SQLToken.tokens2sql(tok, query)
        elif isinstance(token, Parenthesis):
            yield SQLPlaceholder(token, query)
            raise SQLDecodeError(f'Unsupported: {token.value}') 
def extract_table_identifiers(token_stream, allow_functions=True):
    """yields tuples of TableReference namedtuples"""

    # We need to do some massaging of the names because postgres is case-
    # insensitive and '"Foo"' is not the same table as 'Foo' (while 'foo' is)
    def parse_identifier(item):
        name = item.get_real_name()
        schema_name = item.get_parent_name()
        alias = item.get_alias()
        if not name:
            schema_name = None
            name = item.get_name()
            alias = alias or name
        schema_quoted = schema_name and item.value[0] == '"'
        if schema_name and not schema_quoted:
            schema_name = schema_name.lower()
        quote_count = item.value.count('"')
        name_quoted = quote_count > 2 or (quote_count and not schema_quoted)
        alias_quoted = alias and item.value[-1] == '"'
        if alias_quoted or name_quoted and not alias and name.islower():
            alias = '"' + (alias or name) + '"'
        if name and not name_quoted and not name.islower():
            if not alias:
                alias = name
            name = name.lower()
        return schema_name, name, alias

        for item in token_stream:
            if isinstance(item, IdentifierList):
                for identifier in item.get_identifiers():
                    # Sometimes Keywords (such as FROM ) are classified as
                    # identifiers which don't have the get_real_name() method.
                        schema_name = identifier.get_parent_name()
                        real_name = identifier.get_real_name()
                        is_function = allow_functions and _identifier_is_function(
                    except AttributeError:
                    if real_name:
                        yield TableReference(
                            schema_name, real_name, identifier.get_alias(), is_function
            elif isinstance(item, Identifier):
                schema_name, real_name, alias = parse_identifier(item)
                is_function = allow_functions and _identifier_is_function(item)

                yield TableReference(schema_name, real_name, alias, is_function)
            elif isinstance(item, Function):
                schema_name, real_name, alias = parse_identifier(item)
                yield TableReference(None, real_name, alias, allow_functions)
    except StopIteration:

# extract_tables is inspired from examples in the sqlparse lib. 
def group_identifier_list(tlist):
    [group_identifier_list(sgroup) for sgroup in tlist.get_sublists()
     if not isinstance(sgroup, sql.IdentifierList)]
    idx = 0
    # Allowed list items
    fend1_funcs = [lambda t: isinstance(t, (sql.Identifier, sql.Function,
                   lambda t: t.is_whitespace(),
                   lambda t: t.ttype == T.Name,
                   lambda t: t.ttype == T.Wildcard,
                   lambda t: t.match(T.Keyword, 'null'),
                   lambda t: t.match(T.Keyword, 'role'),
                   lambda t: t.ttype == T.Number.Integer,
                   lambda t: t.ttype == T.String.Single,
                   lambda t: t.ttype == T.Name.Placeholder,
                   lambda t: t.ttype == T.Keyword,
                   lambda t: isinstance(t, sql.Comparison),
                   lambda t: isinstance(t, sql.Comment),
                   lambda t: t.ttype == T.Comment.Multiline,
    tcomma = tlist.token_next_match(idx, T.Punctuation, ',')
    start = None
    while tcomma is not None:
        before = tlist.token_prev(tcomma)
        after = tlist.token_next(tcomma)
        # Check if the tokens around tcomma belong to a list
        bpassed = apassed = False
        for func in fend1_funcs:
            if before is not None and func(before):
                bpassed = True
            if after is not None and func(after):
                apassed = True
        if not bpassed or not apassed:
            # Something's wrong here, skip ahead to next ","
            start = None
            tcomma = tlist.token_next_match(tlist.token_index(tcomma) + 1,
                                            T.Punctuation, ',')
            if start is None:
                start = before
            next_ = tlist.token_next(after)
            if next_ is None or not next_.match(T.Punctuation, ','):
                # Reached the end of the list
                tokens = tlist.tokens_between(start, after)
                group = tlist.group_tokens(sql.IdentifierList, tokens)
                start = None
                tcomma = tlist.token_next_match(tlist.token_index(group) + 1,
                                                T.Punctuation, ',')
                tcomma = next_ 
def group_identifier_list(tlist):
    [group_identifier_list(sgroup) for sgroup in tlist.get_sublists()
     if not isinstance(sgroup, sql.IdentifierList)]
    # Allowed list items
    fend1_funcs = [lambda t: isinstance(t, (sql.Identifier, sql.Function,
                   lambda t: t.is_whitespace(),
                   lambda t: t.ttype == T.Name,
                   lambda t: t.ttype == T.Wildcard,
                   lambda t: t.match(T.Keyword, 'null'),
                   lambda t: t.match(T.Keyword, 'role'),
                   lambda t: t.ttype == T.Number.Integer,
                   lambda t: t.ttype == T.String.Single,
                   lambda t: t.ttype == T.Name.Placeholder,
                   lambda t: t.ttype == T.Keyword,
                   lambda t: isinstance(t, sql.Comparison),
                   lambda t: isinstance(t, sql.Comment),
                   lambda t: t.ttype == T.Comment.Multiline,
    tcomma = tlist.token_next_match(0, T.Punctuation, ',')
    start = None
    while tcomma is not None:
        # Go back one idx to make sure to find the correct tcomma
        idx = tlist.token_index(tcomma)
        before = tlist.token_prev(idx)
        after = tlist.token_next(idx)
        # Check if the tokens around tcomma belong to a list
        bpassed = apassed = False
        for func in fend1_funcs:
            if before is not None and func(before):
                bpassed = True
            if after is not None and func(after):
                apassed = True
        if not bpassed or not apassed:
            # Something's wrong here, skip ahead to next ","
            start = None
            tcomma = tlist.token_next_match(idx + 1,
                                            T.Punctuation, ',')
            if start is None:
                start = before
            after_idx = tlist.token_index(after, start=idx)
            next_ = tlist.token_next(after_idx)
            if next_ is None or not next_.match(T.Punctuation, ','):
                # Reached the end of the list
                tokens = tlist.tokens_between(start, after)
                group = tlist.group_tokens(sql.IdentifierList, tokens)
                start = None
                tcomma = tlist.token_next_match(tlist.token_index(group) + 1,
                                                T.Punctuation, ',')
                tcomma = next_ 
def extract_table_identifiers(token_stream, allow_functions=True):
    """yields tuples of TableReference namedtuples"""

    # We need to do some massaging of the names because postgres is case-
    # insensitive and '"Foo"' is not the same table as 'Foo' (while 'foo' is)
    def parse_identifier(item):
        name = item.get_real_name()
        schema_name = item.get_parent_name()
        alias = item.get_alias()
        if not name:
            schema_name = None
            name = item.get_name()
            alias = alias or name
        schema_quoted = schema_name and item.value[0] == '"'
        if schema_name and not schema_quoted:
            schema_name = schema_name.lower()
        quote_count = item.value.count('"')
        name_quoted = quote_count > 2 or (quote_count and not schema_quoted)
        alias_quoted = alias and item.value[-1] == '"'
        if alias_quoted or name_quoted and not alias and name.islower():
            alias = '"' + (alias or name) + '"'
        if name and not name_quoted and not name.islower():
            if not alias:
                alias = name
            name = name.lower()
        return schema_name, name, alias

    for item in token_stream:
        if isinstance(item, IdentifierList):
            for identifier in item.get_identifiers():
                # Sometimes Keywords (such as FROM ) are classified as
                # identifiers which don't have the get_real_name() method.
                    schema_name = identifier.get_parent_name()
                    real_name = identifier.get_real_name()
                    is_function = (allow_functions and
                except AttributeError:
                if real_name:
                    yield TableReference(schema_name, real_name,
                                         identifier.get_alias(), is_function)
        elif isinstance(item, Identifier):
            schema_name, real_name, alias = parse_identifier(item)
            is_function = allow_functions and _identifier_is_function(item)

            yield TableReference(schema_name, real_name, alias, is_function)
        elif isinstance(item, Function):
            schema_name, real_name, alias = parse_identifier(item)
            yield TableReference(None, real_name, alias, allow_functions)

# extract_tables is inspired from examples in the sqlparse lib.