def make_vec_eps(self, global_B, env_ranks):
"""Construct log-spaced epsilon values and select local assignments
from the global number of sampler environment instances (for SyncRl
and AsyncRl)."""
if (self.eps_final_min is not None and
self.eps_final_min != self._eps_final_scalar): # vector epsilon.
if self.alternating: # In FF case, sampler sets agent.alternating.
assert global_B % 2 == 0
global_B = global_B // 2 # Env pairs will share epsilon.
env_ranks = list(set([i // 2 for i in env_ranks]))
self.eps_init = self._eps_init_scalar * torch.ones(len(env_ranks))
global_eps_final = torch.logspace(
self.eps_final = global_eps_final[env_ranks]
self.eps_sample = self.eps_init
def collect_maxiou(outdir, model, segloader, segrunner):
Returns maxiou and maxiou_level across the data set, one per layer.
This is a performance-sensitive function. Best performance is
achieved with a counting scheme which assumes a segloader with
batch_size 1.
device = next(model.parameters()).device
conditional_quantiles, label_fracs = collect_cond_quantiles(
outdir, model, segloader, segrunner)
labelcat, categories = segrunner.get_label_and_category_names()
label_category = [categories.index(c) if c in categories else 0
for l, c in labelcat]
num_labels, num_categories = (len(n) for n in [labelcat, categories])
label_list = [('label', i) for i in range(num_labels)]
category_list = [('all',)] if num_categories <= 1 else (
[('cat', i) for i in range(num_categories)])
max_iou, max_iou_level, max_iou_quantile = {}, {}, {}
fracs = torch.logspace(-3, 0, 100)
progress = default_progress()
for layer, cq in progress(conditional_quantiles.items(), desc='Maxiou'):
levels = cq.conditional(('all',)).quantiles(1 - fracs)
denoms = 1 - cq.collected_normalize(category_list, levels)
isects = (1 - cq.collected_normalize(label_list, levels)) * label_fracs
unions = label_fracs + denoms[label_category, :, :] - isects
iou = isects / unions
# TODO: erase any for which threshold is bad
max_iou[layer], level_bucket = iou.max(2)
max_iou_level[layer] = levels[
torch.arange(levels.shape[0])[None,:], level_bucket]
max_iou_quantile[layer] = fracs[level_bucket]
for layer in model.retained_features():
numpy.savez(os.path.join(outdir, safe_dir_name(layer), 'max_iou.npz'),
return (max_iou, max_iou_level, max_iou_quantile)
def log_ap_loss(logvar, sqr_dists, num_thresh=10):
print('dists', float(sqr_dists.min()), float(sqr_dists.max()))
print('logvar', float(logvar.min()), float(logvar.max()))
def hook(grad):
print('grad', float(grad.min()), float(grad.max()), float(grad.sum()))
variance = torch.exp(logvar).view(-1, 1)
stdev = torch.sqrt(variance)
print('stdev', float(stdev.min()), float(stdev.max()))
max_dist = math.sqrt(float(sqr_dists.max()))
minvar, maxvar = float(stdev.min()), float(stdev.max())
thresholds = torch.logspace(
math.log10(1 / maxvar), math.log10(max_dist / minvar), num_thresh).type_as(stdev)
print('maxdist: {:.2e} minvar: {:.2e} maxvar: {:.2e}'.format(max_dist, minvar, maxvar))
print('thresholds {:.2e} - {:.2e}'.format(thresholds.min(), thresholds.max()))
k_sigma = stdev * thresholds
k_sigma_sqr = variance * thresholds ** 2
mask = (sqr_dists.view(-1, 1) < k_sigma_sqr).float()
erf = torch.erf(k_sigma)
masked_erf = erf * mask
masked_exp = stdev * torch.exp(-k_sigma_sqr) * mask
loss = masked_exp.sum(0) * masked_erf.sum(0) / erf.sum(0)
loss = (loss[0] + loss[-1]) / 2. + loss[1:-1].sum()
return -torch.log(loss * CONST / len(variance))
def compute_ls_grid(As, y, sns_vec, m, ks, n_ls, l_eps, dtype):
"""Compute l values for each given k and return a dictionary mapping
k to a list (in decreasing order) of lambda values.
Arguments have the same meaning as in gel_paths2. sns_vec is a vector of
sns_j values as opposed to the matrix computed in gel_paths2.
ls_grid = {}
# The bound is given by max{||A_j'@(y - b_0)||/(m*sqrt{n_j}*k)} where b_0 =
# 1'@y/m. So most things can be precomputed.
l_max_b_0 = y.mean()
l_max_unscaled = max(
(A_j.t() @ (y - l_max_b_0)).norm(p=2) / (m * sns_j)
for A_j, sns_j in zip(As, sns_vec)
for k in ks:
l_max = l_max_unscaled / k
if n_ls == 1:
ls_grid[k] = [l_max]
l_min = l_max * l_eps
ls = torch.logspace(
math.log10(l_min), math.log10(l_max), steps=n_ls, dtype=dtype
ls = sorted([l.item() for l in ls], reverse=True)
ls_grid[k] = ls
return ls_grid
def logspace(*args, **kwargs):
Creates a 1D :class:`Tensor` with logarithmically spaced values (see PyTorch's `logspace`).
:param args:
:param kwargs:
:return: a 1D :class:`Tensor`
return tn.Tensor([torch.logspace(*args, **kwargs)[None, :, None]])
def plot_delta_measure(self, start, end, steps=50):
Plot delta measure
:param start:
:param end:
# Gamma values
gamma_values = torch.logspace(start=start, end=end, steps=steps)
# Log10 of gamma values
gamma_log_values = torch.log10(gamma_values)
# Delta measures
C_norms = torch.zeros(steps)
delta_scores = torch.zeros(steps)
# For each gamma measure
for i, gamma in enumerate(gamma_values):
delta_scores[i], C_norms[i] = self.delta_measure(float(gamma), epsilon=0.1)
# end for
# Plot
plt.plot(gamma_log_values.numpy(), delta_scores.numpy())
plt.plot(gamma_log_values.numpy(), C_norms.numpy())
# end plot_delta_measure
# Compute Delta measure
def __regularize_residual_volume(self, JtJ, Jt, JtR, weights, pose,
invD0, invD1, x0, x1, K, sample_range):
""" regularize the approximate with residual volume
:param JtJ, the approximated Hessian JtJ
:param Jt, the trasposed Jacobian
:param JtR, the Right-hand size residual
:param weights, the weight matrix
:param pose, the initial estimated pose
:param invD0, the template inverse depth map
:param invD1, the image inverse depth map
:param K, the intrinsic parameters
:param x0, the template feature map
:param x1, the image feature map
:param sample_range, the numerb of samples
:return the damped Hessian matrix
# the following current support only single scale
JtR_volumes = []
B, C, H, W = x0.shape
px, py = geometry.generate_xy_grid(B, H, W, K)
diag_mask = torch.eye(6).view(1,6,6).type_as(JtJ)
diagJtJ = diag_mask * JtJ
traceJtJ = torch.sum(diagJtJ, (2,1))
epsilon = (traceJtJ * 1e-6).view(B,1,1) * diag_mask
n = sample_range
lambdas = torch.logspace(-5, 5, n).type_as(JtJ)
for s in range(n):
# the epsilon is to prevent the matrix to be too ill-conditioned
D = lambdas[s] * diagJtJ + epsilon
Hessian = JtJ + D
pose_s = inverse_update_pose(Hessian, JtR, pose)
res_s,_= compute_warped_residual(pose_s, invD0, invD1, x0, x1, px, py, K)
JtR_s = torch.bmm(Jt, (weights * res_s).view(B,-1,1))
JtR_flat =, dim=2).view(B,-1)
JtJ_flat = JtJ.view(B,-1)
damp_est =, JtJ_flat), dim=1))
R = diag_mask * damp_est.view(B,6,1) + epsilon # also lift-up
return JtJ + R
def get_precision_recall(args, score, label, num_samples, beta=1.0, sampling='log', predicted_score=None):
:param args:
:param score: anomaly scores
:param label: anomaly labels
:param num_samples: the number of threshold samples
:param beta:
:param scale:
if predicted_score is not None:
score = score - torch.FloatTensor(predicted_score).squeeze().to(args.device)
maximum = score.max()
if sampling=='log':
# Sample thresholds logarithmically
# The sampled thresholds are logarithmically spaced between: math:`10 ^ {start}` and: math:`10 ^ {end}`.
th = torch.logspace(0, torch.log10(torch.tensor(maximum)), num_samples).to(args.device)
# Sample thresholds equally
# The sampled thresholds are equally spaced points between: attr:`start` and: attr:`end`
th = torch.linspace(0, maximum, num_samples).to(args.device)
precision = []
recall = []
for i in range(len(th)):
anomaly = (score > th[i]).float()
idx = anomaly * 2 + label
tn = (idx == 0.0).sum().item() # tn
fn = (idx == 1.0).sum().item() # fn
fp = (idx == 2.0).sum().item() # fp
tp = (idx == 3.0).sum().item() # tp
p = tp / (tp + fp + 1e-7)
r = tp / (tp + fn + 1e-7)
if p != 0 and r != 0:
precision = torch.FloatTensor(precision)
recall = torch.FloatTensor(recall)
f1 = (1 + beta ** 2) * (precision * recall).div(beta ** 2 * precision + recall + 1e-7)
return precision, recall, f1